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He grabs my arm as I twist to move back down the stairs "we could do this all evening but I would really rather not." he says jerking me back to look at him "now I have some very simple questions to ask you and I expect full honesty young lady." he says staring me in the eyes "that angel is no ordinary angel and I want to know why it likes you so very much." he adds I stand frozen in fear unsure of what to say "come now you can speak actually it's preferable for your health." he says tightening his grip on my arm "I don't know he's just my friend I swear." I groan before trying to pull my arm away "mhm, I'm sure but let me ask this. Why if he were just a friend as you so claim would he want to protect you so ferociously instead of keep his identity a secret?" he asks tilting his head slightly "I don't know maybe boredom." I say softly trying to think of a way to escape "well that is plausible but I doubt it. I think there is a deeper meaning in all of this but I digress. Shall we retire to the bedroom?" he says before pulling me towards my room. "No! No! No! Stop it!" I shout trying with everything to fight him "you can fight but you won't win." he smiles glancing back at me.

He tosses me on the bed and I lay trying to pick myself up but some unseen force holds me in place "now I'll ask again why is the angel so interested in you?" he asks pacing slowly back and forth at the end of the bed "I told you already I don't know!" I shout tears streaming down my face soaking my hair "that wasn't the answer I was looking for," he says before stopping "I'm going to put a little incentive in this let's see if you tell me I won't rip your insides out through your mouth." he smiles "now again. Why is he so fond of you?" he adds before putting his hand out "I don't know." I sob through panicked breaths "wrong again." he says as a burning pain makes its way up my chest, I look down do see an invisible force ripping through my clothes and fleash my screams do nothing but make Andras smile more "tell me the truth." he says as the pain subsides slightly "I don't know!!" I scream my voice breaks near the end as I huff clenching my teeth "I don't believe you. Tell me what I want to know!!" he shouts back as I shoot up pinned against the wall "I swear," I mutter "I don't know what you want from me." I continue before breaking back down into a sob.

The torture lasts for what feels like hours, my body is broken down then put back together only to be broken again and again. "this hurts me more than you," he says before letting my broken bloodly body fall to the bed. I can't move I can't speak I just feel like a shell of who I once was "are you ready to tell me what I want to know?" he asks as he sits beside my head but I stay silent, I refuse to answer him not just because I don't have the answer he wants but because it won't do any good he'll kill me either way. "you are being very rude and I for one feel very uncomfortable." he says placing a hand on my head "but I'll forgive you we are family after all." he sighs before kissing my cheek I wanted to reach out and slap him even more than that I wanted to rip his face off but my body wouldn't move all I could do is stare blankly and pray he would hear me "you know I know you've been calling for him but he won't come." Andras chuckles as he strokes my hair. I quickly close my eyes at his words all hope gone. "so now that I've broken you physically and mentally are you going to talk?" he asks "I don't know why Gabriel is here but I was helping him before we found out about you." I say in a shakey voice "oh do tell." Andras says pulling a leg up on the bed "he wanted to know more ab," I say before the words stick in my throat, I can’t tell him I'd be betraying Gabriel's trust and even if he won’t help me I just can't I'd rather die "he wanted to know about what?" Andras asks looking down at me "he wanted to know about my secret." I mutter "and that would be?" he asks as he twirls my hair around his fingers "how I get the light fluffy body in my hair." I say cracking a small smile as I look up at him "cute, but now is no time for jokes love." he says before gripping a hand full of my hair. He pulls my head up to eye level "eat me." I growl as I stare into his eyes "don't tempt me." he smiles "you know I thought we were making real progress in our relationship but you have to go and protect that winged rat." he sighs before I quickly fly across the room my back bashes against the wall before I land with a thud on the floor "I don't want to do this you know but you leave me no choice either you tell me or you die." he says as he kneels down picking my head up "his intentions or your life?" he asks "just kill me already." I mutter trying to catch my breath. "I must admit I'm a little surprised at you. This angel must really have you wrapped around his finger. More so than he did but nevertheless I'll just reach into that beautiful little mind of yours and take what I want." he says before a dark smoke enters my body. My life flashes vividly in my mind but my moments with Gabriel stand out most of all that awkward night with him then when he asked for my help. Suddenly I was back in my room looking up at Andras "I see now very interesting." he smiles.

I struggle to push myself up off the floor as Andras stands still smiling down at me "You're in love with him aren't you?" he asks placing a hand on his chin "but he, well he is an unknown and even if he doesn't you just can't let go huh." he says with a small chuckle "you are truly pathetic he could never love you how could he? You are nothing to him just a tool to meet his end and after you've out lived your usefulness he will cast you aside just like the others did." he adds as he uses his foot to push me down "stay down in the dirt like the piece of trash you are." he growls before turning his back and walking a few steps away "well I have some news for you," I mutter through my heavy coughing "I don't care what you think you're the trash here Andras and I'll take you out one day." I smile as he turns his head to look at me "oh no you won't little witch. you won't live that long I'm afraid." he says before I begin coughing up blood "you see even if he dosen’t love you he will protect you because you are what he needs and I can't have that because you are mine you have been and always will be, remember that while you burn." he says as I gasp for air my vision blurring.

"Dylan" a soft female voice says I open my eyes to see the bright sun shining down on me "Dylan!" the voice says slightly louder and more forceful "come back!" it shouts as I look on either side my breath grows more and more rapid at the sight of flames closing in around me "NOO!" it screams flashes of blood and Dylan's disfigured face pulse in my mind my head aches and my stomach turns as I feel burning on my back intensify "you will burn!" Andras voice says with a long laugh after. Help me.

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