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I place my phone in the seat next to me after getting directions to Gabriel from Sam, I should just pray to him but he may not show up so it's best I just go to him. A few minutes later I pull up to the crappy little bar and sit trying to think if what to say to him. OK just wing it, it'll be fine just take it one step at a time. I step into the bar and look around not seeing Gabriel anywhere I walk over to the bartender and ask about him "nah I haven’t seen anyone like that around." the man says shaking his head "Ok thanks." I say before I turn and pull out my phone, I need to call Sam again maybe I got the directions messed up. I step outside and as I'm looking down some bumps into me knocking the phone in the dirt "I'm so sorry about that." the man says quickly pick my phone up and handing it to me "it's ok. It was just an accident." I say smiling at him "so what's a pretty young girl doing out this far by herself?" the man asks moving uncomfortably close "just um looking for a friend, anyway I really need to be going." I say quickly before walking around him. He grabs my arm "just one second there miss I'm not done talking to you." he says as I try to pull my arm away but he grips tighter "let go of me!" I shout before hitting him in the side of his head with the edge of my phone. The sudden pain must've taken him by surprise because it lessened his grip enough for me to pull my arm away and run to my car. I locked the doors before I fumbled around in my bag for my keys, damn it I really need to clean this thing out. As I finally find them the man starts banging on my window "open the door bitch!" he shouts as he bangs harder. I my panic I drop the keys in the floor and a sudden crash and glass in my face make me flinch to the side before I feel a hand gripping my hair. Then the hand falls with a groan and a thud making me look over out my smashed window to see Gazriel. "filthy mongral. That's not how you treat a lady." he scoffs looking down at what I assume is the man "Gazriel," I say with a huff before I open my door and step out over the man "what the hell." I say looking down at the blood. "a demon I'm afraid. It seems I was right Andras hasn't given up is search for you." he says as he straights his suite jacket. "Andras? I thought all that was over with." I say "not entirely. Just the pit part." he chuckles "what a wonderful rhythm huh? A nice ring." he mutters with a smile "ya real funny but what the hell?" I say with a sarcastic laugh "I told you Andras is still hunting for you and your little adventure out of the safety zone left you open." he says "safety zone?" I scoff "I'm keeping the demons at bay and just the demons. Gabriel hasn't visited on his own might I add" he says looking back at the bar "it's a wonder they didn't all swarm you." he adds making me look back at the window and door, people stood peering out at us eyes as black as the night around us "oh shit." I say before stepping back to my car "not to worry. They won't dare." he smiles before giving a small wave "nice but I'd really rather go now." I say as I sit back down "of course." he says before appearing in the passenger seat "shall we." he smiles as I start the car.

The ride is a bit awkward as he rummages through my car "what are you doing?" I ask glancing over at him "I've never been in a vehicle before." he says looking over at me "ok well just put everything back the way you found it." I sigh "so where's Gabriel?" I ask "around." he says with a sigh "I'm afraid he's hidden himself again." he says "well I need to talk to him. How can I find him?" I ask glancing over at him "possibly." he smiles "maybe you could pray to him. I'm sure he'd come running for you." he says sitting back in the seat "this is relaxing isn’t it?" he adds "ya I guess." I sigh "maybe I can drive?" he asks turning his head to look at me "ya maybe but not now." I chuckle.

I pull back into my driveway "you should be safe now." he says as I step out of the car "thanks." I say as he appears infront of me "you are very welcome. I do insist you call for Gabriel. He's spiraling out of control and very quickly." he says as he stares down at me "call me should you need anything." he adds before disappearing. He's right I need to talk to Gabriel but what do I even say? I unlock my door and step in, same old house same old life boring and repetitive. I guess it's not so bad to have it shaken up a little by asshole angels. I smile before I say my silent prayer to Gabriel. I open my eyes to see him standing across the room, if that’s what you want to call his constant swaying and stumbling "Gabriel are you ok?" I ask stepping towards him "oh ya I'm freaking fantastic." he scoffs taking big drink from the whisky bottle in his hand "I um why are you doing this to yourself?" I ask. He let's out a small burp before running his sleeve across his mouth "what do you care?" he snaps his words slurred slightly "I care about you Gabriel. I may have been mad but I still care." I say frowning at him "you shouldn't, I just screw everything up." he says before stumbling into the wall beside me. I quickly grab his arm before he falls forward "some angel you are huh?" I chuckle as he stares at me. I notice the tears forming in his eyes "it was just a joke ok. I didn't mean it I promise." I say quickly. He shakes his head "it isn't that." he mutters "what is it then?" I ask stepping infront of him "you." he whispers "I never ment to hurt you." he says softly looking down at the floor "I know and I didn't mean to hurt you either." I say placing a hand on his chest "I deserve it." he says moving his eyes to look up at me "No you don't. We all make mistakes angel or not and I forgot that but it's ok I'm sorry and I know you are too." I say "I'm more sorry than you know." he says letting himself fall into me "it's ok, we can start over and be more honest with each other this time." I say my heart beating faster as I feel his slow steady breaths against my chest "I'd like that." he groans "but first I think I need a nap." he says his body getting a little heavier against me "ok hold on let's get you to the couch, then you can take a nap." I say before I quickly help him to the couch. I help him lay down and he immediately passes out or whatever angels do but there is alot of snoring I smile down at him, hopefully this time can be different.

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