The finer details pt2

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I quickly slid my way under his hand a jumped at the blade, he pulled it back just out of reach I pressed against him trying my hardest to get my hands on it "this is awesome, I never knew my blade could get boobies pressed against me like this." he smiled looking down at my chest on his side, I quickly stepped back feeling a little uncomfortable "just stop doing that please, my landlord will kill me if he sees that." I begged him, he narrowed his eyes at me "don't worry about your landlord or whatever, we have bigger problems and that's trying to hide from my asshole brothers, now are you gonna help me or just stand there like a deer in head lights?" he asked with a very serious tone, I stepped back further feeling the tension from him "Ok, I suppose I could just help then." I said turning to grab the paint. I tediously drew out the symbols trying my best to make them just right, glancing over at him to see his progress the badly done carvings made their way partly around the room I sighed running a hand through my hair feeling frustration at the sight "what? Not good enough for you? This isn't an art contest so they don't have to be perfect." he said glancing over at me I hung my head at his words "I know, I just well it irritates me when things aren't done properly. I'm sorry I'll go faster." I said going back to the painting "ya that would be ideal, time is valuable right now." he chuckled "you keep saying our? I don't remember offering to make this my problem." I said a little annoyed "well, you are helping me with this, so." he stopped and looked over at me "but after your better you can leave and won't need me anymore so stop including me in this." I said trying to hurry so I could get out of this weird conversation. I continued in silence still uncomfortable as I stepped closer to him making my symbols meet his, I finished laying down my brush on the nearby table.

I walked over to the recliner and sat down with a sigh "so is this all? I have work tomorrow so I need some sleep." I said looking up at the clock "you wanna just go to sleep? After everything, you are an odd one." he chuckled laying down on the sofa, I cut my eyes at him "so is that a yes? Or?" I questioned a little irritated at what he said "you seriously don't have anything you wanna ask or say?" he moved his head to look at me "well what should I ask? I mean you've given me the basic information needed so nothing else really to ask." I said with a shrug, he's freaking nuts there's no way I'm saying anything else, oh shit did he hear that? I thought before I looked over at him "ya I did, and I can understand why you think that, if I were you I definitely wouldn't believe me." he said with a smile as he looked up at the ceiling "well I guess with all you've said, including reading my mind, I don't have much of a choice." I said looking down "so am I safe or should I be worried?" I asked "well depending on what you know about angels, and what angels you're dealing with." he sighed as he sat up "so I take it some angels are dicks right?" I asked feeling a little panicked "ya that's an understatement, and sadly you're kinda evolved in all this now." he said with a huff, I looked down I thought, what happened, how am I in something I have no business being in, why did he come here of all places.

I looked up at the sound of him shifting on the sofa "sorry I was just thinking, so why did you come here? I mean you could've went anywhere right?" I asked hesitantly "honestly this was the closest place that's about all there is to it, I'm hurt I didn't have much of a choice at the time. But I never expected you to get mixed up into this." he said shamefully, I frowned at that shaking my head "So you're saying it was just coincidence? Seems logical I suppose, but very hard to believe." I said rubbing my eyes "I know this is alot to take in and trust me if I could've just got outa here without involving you I would have. I actually tried but you humans are very persistent." he chuckled. We talked for an hour or two before I was woke by the sound of my neighbors motorcycle. I sat up looking around the room feeling a little groggy from the lack of sleep, looking over at the clock I immediately panicked, I was two hours late for work. I raced up the stairs and pulled my phone out and dialed my boss "hey, Mr. Dickson, I'm sorry I'm not in the office right now I-" I paused as he interrupted me "oh, well I know that cold has been going around so it's no problem." he said casually "your boyfriend already explained, so I called in Sara to help with the Jackson account, just feel better before our next meeting ok?" he continued with a small laugh "oh, um ya I just wanted to make sure you had my notes on the account?" I asked a little confused but trying to play along "yes we have everything we need now get some rest, we'll see you on Monday." he chuckled "alright thank you bu-bye." I said before hanging up the phone, what the hell? Boyfriend? Gabriel quickly entered my mind, oh he didn't I thought before I heard a voice from behind me "um ya I got you like three days off you should be happy." he snickered walking up the stairs.

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