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"Wake up!" a voice shouts "damn it wake up please!" the voice shouts again before a low rumble shakes me, what is that? I don't understand where am I? "they're coming please wake up." the voice groans again in desperation the rumbling almost a roar now "Gabriel! I told you!" another voice booms making me quickly open my eyes "Gabriel!!" I shout looking around to see my familiar living room my eyes stop on Gazriel and Gabriel. Gazriel holds Gabriel up off the ground by the throat "Gazriel! Stop!" I shout as I shoot up off the couch. He turns and looks at me his angry expression tuning soft "he took you." he mutters before dropping him with a thud "I don't care! That's no reason to kill him!" I shout before hurrying to Gabriel "are you ok?" I ask grabbing his hand "I'm fine, thank god you woke up." he chuckles looking up at me "ya. So what's going on? Why am I back home?" I ask looking between them "this one took you. He is very persistent." Gazriel sighs "well it's over now no reason to keep her locked away. I tried telling him that but he wouldn't listen." Gabriel says looking from Gazriel to me "What's over?" I ask "Amara. Her and dad are good now." Gabriel says as he pushes himself up "yes but lucifer walks free." Gazriel says "Gabriel you didn't." I say narrowing my eyes at him "No! It was Sam an Dean." he snaps "that is true." Gazriel says with a nod "well how long have I been gone?" I ask in shock "a little over a year thanks to dick bag over there."  Gabriel says as he stands "the danger hadn't passed Gabriel I explained that to you." Gazriel says with a sigh "well why didn't anyone ask me!?" I snap as I stand frowning between them "I couldn't! It took me forever to find you which might I add was up until a few minutes ago." Gabriel says frowning back at me "you mustn't get angry. I was just doing what I promised I was keeping you from danger." Gazriel says stepping closer "don't even. You knew it was over." I say cutting my eyes at him "No the danger has not passed lucifer walks free." Gazriel says "ya well screw him I'd rather have the choice than have you keep this from me. I didn’t know I'd lose an entire year." I say with a sigh "I understand your anger, I was simply doing what I thought was right. I apologize." he says with a sigh "just go." I say in a low tone before turning my back to him "if you need me just call." he says before he exits with the fluttering of wings "that guy. Can you believe him." Gabriel scoffs "it's not just him Gabriel! It's all of you angels!" I shout turning my head to look at him "you think you can just do whatever you want and you don't care about the people you hurt!" I continue a few tears falling down my face "you should go too." I mutter in a shaky voice. I look up a moment later and Gabriel had gone, why am I in the middle of this? I didn't want any of it. I'm just so dumb I walked blindly into it without a second thought.

A few weeks pass and I continue my life trying to pretend nothing had ever happened but Gabriel is always in the back of my mind and as angry as I am at him I just want him back so badly I miss him so much but my pride holds me back. One night I hear a knock at my door I walk over and open it and to my surprise Sam and Dean stand with a less than pleased expression "Ok what's going on here?" Dean asks as he pushes in the door "what do you mean?" I ask before shutting the door behind Sam "Gabriel is a wreck. We ran into him a week ago on some hunt and turns out he's a drunk now." Sam says with a sigh "so, that's not my problem." I say trying to play off the pain in my chest "oh its not? Well in his drunken ranting he mentioned something about how you hated him now so what's the point" Dean says crossing his arms "I don't hate him. I just don't want anything to do with him or angels anymore." I say before quickly walking back in the kitchen "well it's killing the guy." Dean says as he follows "not my problem." I say again "it is! He obviously cares about you and he may have messed up but that doesn't make him a bad guy." Dean continues with a frown "ya I mean come on like none of us made a mistake." Sam says with a sigh "I know you guys are trying to help and thank you but all they did was treat me like I was dumb and couldn't make my own choices. They thought they knew everything and they don't they aren't much different than us buy they act so high and mighty. I just don't want to have that chaos in my life anymore." I say feeling the pain in my chest return "ya they're dicks the whole lot of em but they can change I've seen it." Dean say "ya you should've seen Castiel a few years ago." Sam says with a smile "just give him a chance ok. That's all he wants." Sam adds before he walks out "look I know it isn't easy but Sam is right just one chance and I bet you won't regret it as a matter of fact I bet it'll be the best thing to happen to you." Dean says before he follows Sam. Maybe they're right. Maybe I should give him a chance. I sigh looking down at the necklace Gabriel had given me. Well obviously I'm not completely over it I still have this thing on so it's worth a shot.

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