Boyfriends pt3

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I turned to him narrowing my eyes, "why would you do that?" I snapped at him "what get you three days off, I don't know you seem wound fairly tight I think you need a break." he said stopping at the top of the stairs "No not that, I mean tell them I had a boyfriend, now Derrick will never talk to me." I said with a sigh as I turned and walked into my bedroom "Derrick? Who's that? Some chump you have a thing for?" he asked quickly as he followed me he stood at the doorway watching me as I pulled out my clothes "ya I've liked him for a long time, he just started talking to me a week ago now, and now I'm off the market because of your stupid lie." I snapped tossing the clothes on my bed "hey it's just a guy, calm down if it makes you feel better we can "break up" in a week." he said as I frowned at his air quotes "never do that again," I sighed walking over to the door "what I was just saying." he muttered before I closed my door. I walked out after getting dressed to see him leaned against the wall "look I thought about it, and I'm sorry I made such a big deal out of it. I just haven't had a boyfriend in a long time and I guess I was just excited at the fact he may like me." I said leaning against the opposite wall, he stood for a moment staring at the ground "it's ok I could've said something else but that was the first thing that popped in my head, maybe because I'm a ginormous ass I don't know." he said looking up at me "ya you are a ginormous ass alright, but it's ok, like you said we can fake break up in a week or sooner." I said with a smile as I leaned forward standing up straight then walked towards the stairs "hey you're the one who thinks I'm and I quote, hot, come on you know you love this fake relationship." he said with a chuckle "oh yes I do love being forced into a fake relationship with a complete stranger. It's exhilarating." I said sarcastically as I glanced back at him "No reason to get snippy," he said walking behind me down the stairs. I walked into the den, looking around at the walls made my skin crawl "so how long do these have to stay up?" I asked with a frown "well I'm feeling alright now so," he said snapping his fingers, the walls were instantly fixed "how did you-? Oh wait angel, sorry I'm just getting acclimated to the idea." I sighed "you'll come around, don't worry being friends with me has its perks." he said snapping his fingers again, trays quickly appeared on the table and countertops, I walked over examining the various cakes and cookies "so wait.. You don't have to hide anymore?" I asked picking up a chocolate chip cookie "well no not now, I'm back at full power baby ain't an angel around that'd mess with me now." he smirked walking over leaning on the counter "so you're the only archangel? That's not what most religion says." I mumbled with a mouth full of cookie, Gabriel raised an eyebrow "well I wasn't always the only one. My brothers got themselves into a little trouble, don't know what exactly but I can't find them anywhere." he sighed looking away "oh, I'm sorry I didn't know, well looks like we have something in common, we're both alone in the world." I said looking back down at the tray.

"it's okay. But enough of this." he said quickly looking back at me, "we have three days to do whatever you want. So where do we start?" he asked standing straight with a big smile. I looked at him a moment a little unsure of what he ment "I, um, don't think I really wanna do anything?" I said hesitantly "what dose that even mean?" he chuckled "um well I'm not sure, I guess just walk around town I have a few things I need to do anyway." I looked at him still very confused "boring, come one where do you want to go? Other than errands." he asked giving me a exhausted expression, I thought for a moment before I asked "like anywhere in the world? Because I don't have the money for that, I'm saving bu-" he quickly cut me off "oh don't give me that crap, money is no obstacle, so just tell me where you wanna go." he said "I don't want to do that I'm sorry, I'm happy where I am. So I'm gonna go now," I said narrowing my eyes at him before I started to walk out. I grabbed my bag with him close on my heels "so where are we going? Like the bank? Or the store? Hey we could get alota money at the bank, then you could tell me where you wanna go." he said as I closed the door locking it "we aren't going to rob a bank, are you crazy? You're an angel aren't you suppose to protect people or whatever?" I turned around glaring at him "you have alot to learn about me," he laughed patting my shoulder "why are you still here anyway? Don't you have other things to do?" I questioned pushing passed him in a hurry "No I don't have anything else to do. Besides you're kinda cool, you need to loosen up a bit but I think we could be good friends." he said as he hurried to catch up "friends? Really why would you wanna be friends with me? Surely you could find something better to do." I asked looking over at him "Well I don't have anymore friends, lucifer made sure of that. So like you said all alone in the world we got that in common why not be friends?" he said looking around at some of my neighbor's houses. I watched him with a small smile, I guess it wouldn't be so bad to have him as a friend I can use all the friends I can get I thought as I watch him excitedly look at some yard ornaments "hey these are cool, you should get some for your yard." he said looking at two brightly colored frogs "frogs? I expected you to want the angels." I said pointing to the little angel praying "um no, you already have one." he said raising his hands with a big smile "so should I just stick you in the yard?" I laughed as I started walking again "I didn't mean it like that, I don't wanna stay in the yard." he said with a pouting face. I smiled over at him thinking about how nice it is to have some to really talk to "I think I'd like to be your friend." I stated with a nod "well you didn't have much of a choice, but I'm glad you feel that way." he chuckled nudging my side. I looked over at him with a frown then rolled my eyes as he quickly raised then lowered his eyebrows.

"so why do you come to this store? I seen like two others that were closer." he asked picking up an apple "No particular reason I suppose. Just like the store I guess." I answered looking around, I quickly looked away when I seen him walk from the back room "What's up with you?" he questioned looking over in the direction I had been "oh, I see, is that Derrick? The old stud muffin? Go talk to him." he said as he pushed me a little "No! I can't do that. What would I even say?" I said in a little panick, Gabriel stood staring at him a moment "I don't know just go start a conversation casually. Hey he's putting out more fruit go talk about that." he said quickly pushing me a little more "No way! People don't just talk about fruit! I'll seem like a freak talking about strawberries." I raised my voice a little causing some other nearby shoppers to look at us, I smiled awkwardly then hurried down a aisle as Gabriel stuffed along behind. "I can't believe you, would you not do stuff like that?" I yelled in a hushed tone "what trying to help you get a social life? I seen your computer you need one hun." he laughed a little "now you're going through my things, what the hell?" I muttered a little shocked, he just shrugged I turned around quickly storming away from him and ran into the guy I had a crush on, my basket crashed to the floor as I stumbled back bumping into Gabriel "oh my god I'm so sorry." I said looking down at the large basket of eggs he had dropped when I crashed into him "it's fine, those can be replaced are you alright." he said smiling down at me "I'm fine just in a rush and not watching where I'm going." I said with a awkward snort, my hands started sweating as my heart raced looking into his beautiful green eyes, he cocked his head a little his smile widened "that's cute." he smirked "your little snort that is." he continued before he knelt down gathering the shells. I stood not knowing what to say or do then I felt a jab in my back "ouch! What the hell Gabriel?" I exclaimed quickly turning around, he widened his eyes motioning down to the guy "is something wrong?" the guy asked standing up "oh no, we just don't you to get in trouble for dropping all those eggs, could we get your name so we can explain to your boss what happened." Gabriel said with a smile stepping forward "Delsin, and you must be Gabriel like the angel, that's awesome." Delsin smiled at him "actually an archangel, but I guess that doesn't matter right?" Gabriel said through his smile "oh ya, um sorry I just didn't add the arch part." Delsin said quickly looking a little awkward before he went back to cleaning up the mess "well that aside, I'll go find your boss and explain, you can stay here and help him clean it up, you clumsy girl." Gabriel chuckled walking quickly back down the aisle.

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