surprise pt.16

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I stand with my hand on the doorknob, I'm doing it again, I'm getting emotionally attached, they've already told me after this they'd move on to the next case. Why am I letting myself fall, I need to stop. I let my hand fall feeling a little pain in my chest the kinda pain you feel when you want something, like a longing, not necessarily for Dean but I crave something, I want to be wanted I sigh trying to fight the urge to cry as I turn and slowly walk up the stairs. My mind races and I can't pull away from the fantasy of finding that special someone when I here a knock. I walk back down stairs and open the door to see Dean "hey did you find something?" I say a little unsure "No." he says with an awkward smile "well, then what's up?" I ask rasing an eyebrow "I just um, well I'm not very tired and well Sam snores like a beast." he says running a hand through his hair "are you asking me to stay the night?" I ask with a chuckle "kinda and I don't know maybe it'd be safer if I stayed just incase something happened ya know." he says almost looking like he's in physical pain "Ok I guess I understand and thanks for the concern. I'll make the guest bed for you." I smile as I open the door wider for him "Na I'll just sleep down here on the couch no need for all that." he says as he walks in "oh stop it, I know my couch is comfortable but I'm not going to do that so come on." I say as I walk up the stairs. He stands watching me as I toss a blanket over the freshly made bed "there, nice and comfortable." I say turn to face him "thanks but it wasn't necessary." he says with a sigh "come on sour puss atlest sound a little more grateful." I mutter narrowing my eyes at him "Well I'm off to bed food and drinks are downstairs make or eat whatever you want just make yourself at home." I say patting him on the shoulder as I walk by "thanks." he says again sound slightly more happy "not a problem, night." I say walking into my room.

I lay for what feels like forever before I finally fall asleep then sometime later I'm woken by the sound of Dean's and someone else's voices, who is that? I sit up straining my ears to hear, the other voice dosen't sound familiar. I slowly move my legs off the bed and stand before quietly walking to my doorway "we can't Cas," Dean's voice says sounding annoyed "we have to this is bigger than just summing the two demons Dean." the voice says. I walk forward and peek around into the guest room to see Dean standing with a man in a long coat "excuse me but can I ask who this is?" I ask softly making them both look at me "Hello," the man says with a nod "ya hi, Dean can I talk to you a sec, k thanks." I say before walking back to my doorway. Dean walks over "look I can explain," he says stopping infront of me "I think that'd be best. So who's the weird guy and why is he here?" I ask as I cross my arms "that would be Cas he's well an angel." Dean says with a sigh "What!? What the hell is he doing here!?" I say stepping back further into my room "calm down, he's an angel ok he's," he says taking a step towards me but I immediately panic interrupting him in my terror "I know I heard! Get him out! Just get him out now! Why would you bring him here!? I know what they do!" I shout before franticly trying to close my door "calm down!" Dean grunts fighting to keep the door open "No! No! Gabriel! Help me! please!" I shout tears streaming down my face "Gabriel? How? Do you," Dean says in a shocked tone before immediate silence the only sound is my door slamming shut. I stand huffing a moment before I quickly lock the door and turn looking around my room unsure of what to do, he's going to take me or worse kill me, I need to get out of here. I hurry across the room to grab my phone "hey there buttercup." Gabriel's voice says from behind me, I turn and see him standing with a smile before I rush towards him throwing my arms around his neck "awe I missed you too," he says patting my back "there was an angel and I didn't know what to do. So I panicked I thought he'd try to take me or worse." I say quickly my face buried in his shoulder "who Castiel? Nah he's as harmless as a kitten." he says with a chuckle. I pull back and look at him a little confused "but you said that all angels are asses." I say feeling a wave of relief "ya well he's an exception, some are." he says motioning to himself "oh, well now I feel just silly." I say as I pull away from him "I should probably apologize," I add as I walk around him "to who?" he asks. I turn to look at him as I point to the door "Dean and Castiel." I scoff "they aren't here," he says with a smile "well were are they then?" I ask feeling confused "around don't worry they're fine but not comes the problem, you gave me away." he sighs "what? They don't know about you?" I ask even more confused "well they did but up until now they thought I was dead, which I was," he sighs again "so what's wrong with them knowing you aren't now?" I ask "nothing really but they tend to attract attention and I like to keep a low profile but I guess it wouldn't hurt to visit the little rays of sunshine." he says before quickly disappearing.

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