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I thumb through the pages as I chew on my nail "Gabriel I don't think we're going to find anything here." I say before closing it "just keep looking there has to be something." he says. I watch him angerly flip pages. The spell wore off so fast I don't understand I should've had at least thirty minutes. I place the book down before sitting back, they walk among us. I wonder if that means "hey Gabriel do you think we may have already seen a seraphim and we just don't know it?" I ask before looking around the room "I don't know why?" he asks as he looks over at me "well it said they walk among us without us knowing so I just thought." I say before stopping, it's silly I shouldn't have brought it up "nevermind it was just a dumb thought." I add with a small laugh "No it's not you may be right." he says "well either way from what I remember it won't do any good we won't know unless they want us to." I say before I stand and go over to the bookshelf "there has be something we can do to find one of them." he says as he sits forward "maybe a spell?" I say glancing back at him "exactly what I was thinking." he says with a smile. "so what kinda spell would call a seraphim?" I ask pulling a few books off the shelf "I don't know," he sighs sounding defeated "well we'll figure something out I think we're making fairly good progress so far." I say as I sit back down "ah see here enokian spells." I add holding up a book before i quickly open it "well it'd help if i could read it." I sigh "hey what day did you go back to?" Gabriel asks "um I don't remember but it is dated why?" I ask looking over at him "Because I can take us back there," he chuckles "why didn't I think of this sooner?" he adds "you can takes us back? What's that mean?" I ask "like time traveling. I'm a archangel it'd be a piece of cake." he says as he stands "come on we need to get back to your place." he says as he stands.

"see here." I say pointing down at the date "January 5, 1985" Gabriel mutters before placing a hand on my shoulder "buckle up this is going to be a trip." he smiles. I stand staring at him a moment before looking around my kitchen "is this some kinda joke?" I ask before looking back at him "No no, I'm trying I just can't." he says his smile dropping to a frown "well what's wrong? Are you to weak?" I ask making his frown intensify "No! I'm fine I just can't," he snaps before a voice interrupts "of course you can't. I won't allow it." the voice says as I look over to a tall man standing in the corner of the room "now give us a moment would you Gabriel." he says before I look over to see Gabriel dissappear "now may I ask why you and him are so he'll bent on finding us?" the man asks as he walks towards me "well first off who are you?" I ask stepping back "the one you're looking for." he says stopping at the end of the table "a seraphim?" I question stepping back further "Indeed. You catch on quickly. Now back to my former question" he says with a small smile "why exactly are you searching for us?" he asks as he sits down "well we need your help." I mutter as his eyes study me "with what? Amara?" he asks narrowing his eyes "um ya I suppose," I say before he puts up a hand "even if we could help why would we?" he asks "I don't know." I say softly looking to the floor "exactly, you don't know. You know nothing yet you follow him blindly. Perhaps you should find out his reasons before making sure a foolish commitment." he says crossing his arms "well tell me then I don't understand." I say moving my eyes back up to him "that I cannot do. You must find out but we will not help," he says as he stands "great." I mutter under my breath "with Amara." he adds cutting his eyes at me "So you will help?" I ask stepping towards him "when the time comes. But give up this search for us. You will not succeed we will come to you." he says "and be cautious of Gabriel his intentions are not what you think." he says with a sigh before disappearing "what do you mean?" I shout looking around the room "damn it." I mutter before Gabriel's voice interrupts "where is he?" he asks looking around "gone." I say running a hand through my hair "shit well what'd he say?" he asks walking over to me "um nothing really but they won't help, with Amara." I sigh "what!? Why not?" he asks with a frown "I don't know that's just what he said." I say, but what he said about Gabriel. I wonder what he ment exactly? I should just keep it to myself for now. Gabriel sits with a huff "well this is just great isn't it." he groans "ya it's kind of a let down huh?" I say quickly before walking out "hey wait." he says as he appears infront of me "do you know something else?" he asks narrowing his eyes at me "No of course not. You know what I know." I say as o squeeze past him. "well you're acting weird." he says appearing in front of me again "I am not Gabe damn just chill would ya." I say with a frown walking around him again "fine if you don't want to tell me whatever I'll be back later." he snaps. I turn to say I'm sorry but he's already gone, well this is going great. How did I think anything could possibly go wrong. I shake my head before continuing upstairs.

"Hey what's wrong?" Sam's voice asks over the phone "n-nothing" I say watching the tall man from before walk in the room with me "I'll call you back." I mutter before hanging up two other men walk in behind him "Hello." he says before sitting beside me "hi, um what's going on?" I ask look between them "it's time you knew, Gabriel is becoming more impatient and it's only a matter of time before he acts." he says before clearing his throat "I'm Gazriel and these are my brothers." he says motioning to the men who just nod "nice to meet you all but what do you mean?" I ask looking back to Gazriel "well Gabriel you see wants the pit open, he wants lucifer free but most importantly he wants Michael free." he says crossing his arms "so that means?" I say letting my voice fall "it means he will allow Allocen to possess you child. If that happens they will open the pit and lucifer will walk free so will Michael but nothing has changed they do not care about Amara for their rivalry takes presidency over her." he says with a sigh. I sit stunned at his words, Gabriel wants me to be possessed but why would he save me? "I understand your surprise but it is the truth we have watched Gabriel closely and everything he's done points to what I tell you but he doesn't understand his brothers and what will truly happen should they be set free." he continues "his intentions are noble but misguided so please understand he wishes you no harm." he adds before placing his hand ontop of mine "I'm sorry this is just, I don't know it's so hard to believe." I say looking him in the eyes "I understand but I tell you this in hopes you will come with us so we may protect the world from total destruction." he says as he sits back again "come with you? Why?" I ask taken back by his offer "Because as I told you this is not the way." he says "oh really and what do you know?" Gabriel's voice asks from beside us "we know more than you think Gabriel." Gazriel says cutting his eyes at him "why are you doing this? Don't you care what happens?" Gabriel asks stepping closer "more than you know but this is not the way and you must not rush fate." Gazriel says before standing "Gabriel is what he said true?" I ask standing beside Gazriel. Gabriel looks between us before letting out a sigh "yes but it's for a good reason trust me." he says looking at me "that's all I needed to hear." I say trying to hold back tears, Andras was right I'm just a tool and nothing more. I look up at Gazriel "I'll go with you." I say my voice cracking slightly a tear falling down my face "I understand your pain child and it will all be gone soon." Gazriel says before grabbing my hand "don't do this please! I need you!" Gabriel shouts walking quickly towards us "stop it Gabriel you've hurt her enough." Gazriel says before Gabriel is pushed back with force "I won't tell you again. Let this go." Gazriel adds before we dissappear.

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