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I sit in the Witches Calderon with towers of books surrounding me "here I found another." Phil says handing me a book "thanks I really appreciate you helping me." I say with a smile "well it's no problem but I don't normally have people come in here like this." he says with a chuckle "ya well I have to look at alota books so I can't really afford to buy them all." I say with a sigh "it's alright you've been a good customer so I don't mind. So can I ask exactly what you're looking for? Maybe I can help." he says as he studies the open book in my hands. I'm hesitant at first but Phil has helped me alot in the past even got some hard to get ingredients for me so I decide it'd be ok to tell him some of why I needed these particular books. "so seraphim hmm." he says rubbing his chin "you know I have some personal books from a friend that made some class of contact with a seraphim. Well they're more like journals but I wouldn't mind you taking a look." he says as he walks behind the counter. I follow and watch as he pulls up a lock box with strange carvings all over it "here." he says handing me a think old leather book "I don't know how reliable the guy was I only new him for a few months before he just left town but he did leave these with me and I haven't touched them in years so if they can help with whatever you need you're more than welcome to have it." he says sliding the box towards me reveling three other old books "thanks Phil. It means alot that you'd help me like this." I say as I scan the pages. My eyes land on an interesting passage, seraphim mandrel:
Age: unknown
Reason for contact: unknown
Hour of contact: 7:77 a.m.
Seraphim: only thing heard is a low hum for about 10 minutes then the name mandrel followed by holy holy holy before disappearing.
End of contact.
I look up at Phil "I think this can be really helpful. Do you mind if I sit down with them?" I ask and he nods "of course." he says before I quickly grab the box and sit back down.

I flip the page and read
Seraphim Gazriel
Reason for contact: A message
Hour of contact: 7:77 p.m.
A low hum and slight rumbling before a bright white light then the name Gazriel before the words write. More humming as I ask what I should write then it dissappears.
End contact.
I thumb through a few more pages with two others similar to the first two but after all I read is some research the man did on seraphim the most intriguing is a book one seraphim the one named Gazriel left after a visit. I pull the other books from the box and look through them but nothing more about the book. Damn it I need to tell Gabriel. "hey Phil can I take these? I promise I'll bring them back." I say as I grab my bag "ya sure I don't care." he says glancing up from his news paper "I'll come back and clean this up too." I add looking around at the books "now I'll hold you to that." he chuckles before I rush out the door.

"Gabriel!" I shout slamming the door behind me "Gabriel double time it I might have something!" I shout again pulling the books from my bag "what? What do you have?" he asks quickly walking towards me "here take a look at these." I say handing him the books. He opens one and looks through it "so they talked to this guy." he says as he still reads "ya apparently like four or five times. Do you know why something like the seraphim would talk to him?" I ask "no, but they told him to write." he says before letting his voice trail off "ya and look at this." I say flipping the pages "apparently this Gazriel left a book for him." I say tapping the page "well where is it?" he asks looking a the other books "I don't know, Phil didn't have it." I say with a sigh
"but his name is here, Abernathy. James Abernathy. Do you think you could find him maybe he could help us." I say as he looks up at me "I don't know he may be warded but it's worth a shot. Could you read through these more maybe there's something more about it." he says handing them back "ya I'll let you know if I find anything else." I smile "thanks I'm glad you agreed to help me still." he says before quickly looking down "I'm happy to help." I say softly before he disappears without another word.

I'm part way through the third book when I decide to take a coffee break. I walk down stairs with notes in hand. I read through them as I put the coffee in the maker, let's see here it looks like they mostly appear at 7:77 morning or night. When they do come it doesn't seem like they say much and they've never appeared in physical form that we know of. I wonder what they wanted with this guy? And why they kept telling him to write. I pick up the pot and pour the coffee before placing my notes on the table then my cup "hey so you find anything?" Sam asks as he and Dean walk in "God you scared the shit outa me." I say with a sigh "sorry figured we were past knocking." Dean chuckles as he pours a cup of his own "ya whatever." I mutter with a smile before I sit and explain what I had found. "so we don't know where his book is." Dean says "ya but Gabriel is looking into it seeing if maybe he can find this James Abernathy." I say as I take a sip of my coffee "Ok so I'll get my laptop and do some searching myself." Sam says pulling out his computer "ya I've got another book I'll go grab." I say before heading up stairs.

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