broken pt9

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My heart pounds as I stare back at him "I,um, I think what happened the other night may have put a bit of a barrier between us." he says with a sigh "I didn't want to bring it up because I thought maybe you wouldn't remember or something and I don't really know if you do but I'm sorry it shouldn't have even went that far." he continues, I nod unsure if what to say, how do you tell someone you think you love them expecially after they say something like this. "so are you gonna say anything or are you good?" he asks rasing an eyebrow "I'm good, I understand." I say my voice cracking "are you sure?" he asks quickly standing "ya ya I'm fine I get it," I say with a smile "I had forgotten actually so it's no big deal." I add before swallowing the knot in my throat "Ok that's good," he says matching my smile "so anyway I was going to look into some stuff and was wondering if you'd wanna come along, I could use your expertise." he says "sure, I'd be happy to help." I say placing the book back onto the table.

Gabriel and I appear in a strange room that looks like an office "where are we? The bank?" I scoff "Nope, way off" he says pulling a few books off a large book shelf " here take these," he says handing them to me, he grabs a few more before walking back over beside me "let's get back to your place." he says before we appear back in my living room "what so I was just a pack mule?" I ask narrowing my eyes at him "not at all though you did help carry those, but I need help looking through them too." he smiles placing them on the table "alright, so what are we looking for?" I ask placing mine down "anything about lucifer's cage." he says picking up a book "ok." I say picking up my own book, I have a bad feeling about this but surely Gabriel knows best, I sit down and begin reading.

After an hour or so of skimming through the pages "Gabriel my eyes hurt, I need a break." I say laying the book in my lap "that's fine take all the breakes you want." he says still reading his, I watch him thinking about how badly I wanted him. "you ok?" he asks after a moment not moving from his book "oh I'm fine, just watching you." I chuckle as I sit back in my chair "why aren't you sitting by me?" he asks still reading "huh?" I narrow my eyes "why aren't you sitting beside me?" he asks again this time looking over at me "I dunno just sat here, that's all. Why do you ask?" I give him a suspicious look "just wondering, anyway I'm going to grab a few more books, I'll be right back." he says placing his book down then quickly disappearing. Why would he ask that? Can he still hear what I'm thinking? Oh no, I'd forgotten about that, shit. I sit forward feeling a little panicked. An thirty minutes pass and I sit in silent fear hoping the warding effected his ability to reach into my mind "so I found these." he says handing me three books "what are they?" I ask as I examine them "spell books, but ones specifically tailored to angels." he smiles "can you read them?" he asks bending down, his head so close to mine I can feel his warmth, my heart immediately starts racing "ya, I can, it may take some time though." I answer in a shaky voice "that's great, how long exactly? Or do you know?" he asks turning his head to me, his warm breath on my cheek sends chills up my spine, I quickly stand desperately wanting out of the situation "maybe a week or two I'm not sure." I say before taking a deep breath "Ok well is there anything I can do to help?" he asks "No, it's just going to take time, I'll go as fast as I can." I say turning to face him "Ok well I'll leave you to it, I'll go see if I can't find anything else." he smiles, I nod and smile back before he disappears "thank god," I mutter under my breath. Sitting at my desk I strain my eyes trying to force myself to focus on the books but my mind won't let me. I keep thinking of Gabriel and imagining us together, finally I slam the book in frustration. I can't take this, I'm gonna go crazy. I have to get outa here, I grab my stuff and walk out the door hoping some fresh air will help clear my mind.

After going to the Witches Calderon, a bookstore for witchs, I pick up a few books, namely a book on old dialog and two others on simple spells, I head back towards my house and of course I'm walking and reading, which I do often, I bump into someone hard enough to send my books flying "I'm so sorry." I mutter looking up at the man "No, it's my fault I was letting my brother here distract me." he says motioning to the tall man beside him "oh well I'm sorry either way," I chuckle awkwardly as I kneel down to retrieve my books. The man quickly grabs my books "so a spell book huh? You some kinda witch or something?" he asks with a small chuckle as we stand "No no, just a history project that's all." I answer quickly before grabbing my books "I really should be going, sorry again." I add before hurrying past them.

As I'm walking up to my door I'm stopped by a hand on my shoulder, "open the door and step in quickly and quietly." a familiar voice says as I feel what I assume to be a gun in my back, I immediately begin shaking and my heart pounds hard enough to make me feel like I'm going to pass out "please don't kill me," I choke as I unlock my door, the door swings open and I'm pushed inside. I look back to see the two me from moments ago "please please don't kill me, just take anything you want, I won't fight I swear." I beg as I take a few steps back "we are here to rob you, we're here to stop all this killing," the tall man says before he's interrupted by the other "why are you killing them?" he snaps, I look down at his hand and as I'd assumed he has a gun "oh god no," I burst into tears before dropping to my knees "I didn't do anything, please don't kill me I don't wanna die." I whimper before I burst out sobbing again.

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