Hiding from truths pt7

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"so how's the relationship goin?" Gabriel asks as I sit down beside him "Well it's good, I don't have any complaints I guess." I say, he studies me "what?" I ask with a awkward smile "nothing just trying to figure out why you'd lie about that." he smirks positioning himself to face me "who said I was lieing, our relationship is fine I mean sometimes I feel like we're total opposites but that's about it I guess." I say thinking about Derrick and his sophisticated attitude "how so? I thought he was the apple of your eye." he says breaking my train of thought "it's just him he was brought up differently than me we share nothing in common other than work, I mean we went for brunch last Tuesday. Freaking brunch Gabriel who says that?" I sigh looking down, he laughs shaking his head "well sir Derrick apparently, grass isn't always greener on the other side." he says with a smile. "ya I guess you're right." I say "Well I need a drink, you want something like beer or whatever." I ask standing up "well sure what are you drinking?" he asks raising an eyebrow at me "vodka my friend." I chuckle as I walk to the kitchen "Ok make that two then." he smiles at me "two? Bottles? Cuz I'm drinking one to myself." I laugh walking back with two shot glasses and bottles "that was quick, but I don't think a whole bottle is a good idea." he says watching me pour, then takes a glass from the table downing it quickly "ya ok you the angel on my shoulder now?" I ask with a smirk before I downed mine.

"so that was my first time in the Philippines, let's say it was very eventful." Gabriel says taking another drink, as I grip my stomach from laughter "how did they get the donkey in there?" I ask through breaths of laugher "I don't know and honestly I don't think I want to." he says pouring another shot "well I have to agree with that." I say as I quickly took his shot "hey now remember where that's been" he says looking over at me, I stuck out my tongue and downed it then slammed it on the table be sitting back on the sofa. He sighs with a smile before placing the bottle down "I think I'm finally feeling something." he says glancing over to me "ya I'm a little buzzed, feeling damn good." I smile, I sit up and look at the bottle "a little under half, that's about right." I chuckle "hey it's gonna take that plus five more to get me buzzed." he smirks nudging me in the side with his elbow making me jump with a small giggle "are you ticklish?" his smile widens "No." I say awkwardly as Gabriel wiggles his fingers at me playfully "that doesn't scare me. I'm not ticklish." I say scooting away. He quickly lunges his hands forward, I laugh trying to fight him my hand brushed his side making him flinch as he pulls his hands back "are you ticklish too?" I ask, he shakes his head no. I smile at him before tickling his sides making him fall back "hey stop." he mutters through his laughter "Ok ok, fine I won't -" I say before Gabriel grabs my waist pulling me into him tickling my sides in a counter attack. I wiggle trying to get away, as I did our faces touch, my cheek brushing against his making him stop. I laugh holding myself up over him before I slowly open my eyes to see him staring up at me with a odd expression. My laughter fade, my heart immediately beats faster looking into his eyes, his hand moves to the back of my head his fingers running through my hair "Gabriel," I whisper feeling like my heart is going to burst "I'm sorry," he says before quickly sitting forward. I plop back onto the couch as he quickly stands then disappears "Gabriel!" I shout half-heartedly.

The next morning I wake and immediately see a text from Derrick asking to meet for brunch, I sigh rolling my eyes before I reply with a short yes, after getting dressed I walk down stairs and to my surprise I see a medium sized bear sitting on the table, as I walk closer I see a note attached. I pick it up and read, 'hey, it's Gabriel here, of course who else would it be,' I smile hearing his voice in my head as I read 'so I know things got kinda weird and I took off again but I have good reason and I'll explain once I can. I won't be around for a little while so I got you this guy to watch over you while I'm gone, if you ever need me just hug him tightly and say my name. Anyway way enough of this girly stuff see you soon,' signed Gabe. I put the note down and pick up the Bear, I run my fingers over the wings as i examine them, I thought I could just talk to him, why do I need this? I think before my phone buzzes breaking me from thought, I look at it and see a message from Derrick saying he's outside, I grab my bag and put the bear in it before quickly walking out the door.

With each passing word my frustration grew, Derrick sat talking about his parents and how they'd just bought a yacht "are you alright?" he asks placing his coffee cup on the table "oh ya ya," I say placing my head on my hand "I love listening to how Rich your parents are." I add cutting my eyes "I'm sensing hostility, perhaps," he says "I'm sorry, I'm just kinda in a bad mood, I didn't mean to snap." I spoke quickly interrupting him "it's ok, I understand" he says before clearing his throat "but maybe we should call it a day," he says placing his napkin on the table, I sit staring down at my lap a moment as he moves for his wallet "I think we should break up." I mutter under my breath "do what?" he says sounding dumbfounded. I look up at him and he stares a minute "I didn't mean that, I just thought maybe you needed time to cool off," he adds scooting his chair back "I'm sorry but this just doesn't feel right, Derrick we're totally opposite." I say before quickly standing, I open my bag and take out a few dollars to pay for my meal "I apologize for wasting your time." I add before quickly walking out, I can't believe I just did that, I think walking to my car.

I walk in my door and let out a sigh of relief, this isn't what I wanted, I think as I place my things down then quickly walk into my spare room. My alter sits mocking me, Witchcraft, how did I ever think this would work? I look down at it then slowly kneel down, mom told me to break the spell I needed some of his hair, I leaned over and opened the desk drawer and pulled out a lock of hair I had lifted from Derrick almost immediately after we began dating. "so a witch huh?" I hear Gabriel's voice from behind me, I turn my head to see him smiling in the doorway "I'm not that kinda witch, I'm a wiccan, I come from a very long line." I say with a sigh "don't judge me ok," I add turning my head back forward "oh I'm not, trust me, I've hung out with the pagan gods, not bad people they just get a bad rap because of my brother." he says walking up behind me "you hung out with pagans?" I ask as I burn the hair "ya it's a long story, one for another time." he says before I stand "good to know that god doesn't mind us." I smile

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