Chapter 15 ~ The wedding

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Veronica's POV

6 months later.

"You look beautiful, oh my god!" I screamed as Lana walked into the room, her long white dress tight fitted at the top and flowed down just underneath her chest. "Do I look fat?" she sighed, I couldn't help but laugh. "No, your dress covers your belly", she looked relieved. 

"That's good" she beamed, I rolled my eyes at her.

"Seriously Lana, you're 6 months pregnant, you should be proud" I gently rubbed her arm and she started to sob. "hey, why are you crying? stop!" I laughed pulling her into a hug.

"I'm 19 Veronica, I'm fucking 19 years old and I'm getting married today? not to mention I'm 6 months pregnant, I should be out having fun, creating memories, I should be more like you" she balled. I pulled away from her and held her at arms length, "Yes you're 19 and yes you're 6 months pregnant, but that little boy is the luckiest person on this planet. You're settling down with a guy you've been going out with 5 years, you were both made for eachother, ask anyone. You're already creating memories Lana, you're creating a family" she wiped her eyes and grinned "ugh, ignore me, I'm being a whiny hormonal little bitch" she said chuckling. I joined in, "Let me do your make up before I go and get ready?" she nodded and I guided her over to the vanity table.


"Perfect" I breathed, taking a step back and looking at my masterpiece "No more crying either, it took way too long to do your make up". Lana nodded and handed me my blue dress and blue heels. "Go get ready, I need to see how well I did choosing the dress!" she ushered me into bathroom. I stripped down into my underwear and picked up the dress. The bathroom door opened. "I've not got it on yet" I called pulling the dress halfway over my head. I felt warm hands around my waist "Good" he whispered giving me goosebumps. He pulled the dress over my head seeing that I was clearly stuck and sat down on the chair, yes we have a chair in the bathroom. "Thank you" I said smiling "Can you?" I asked, motioning to the zip at the back of my dress. He got up and turned me around so that he was behind me, "I must say Miss.Radford it's extremely hard for me not to be ripping off your dress right now" I started to smirk. I slowly turned around "We have a wedding to get to, we'll have plenty of time later" I said slowly biting his lip, he let out a soft moan and I smirked, getting the reaction I wanted. It was so easy to tease him.

"Hey are you two nearly ready?" Lana asked walking into the bathroom aswell.

"Does nobody knock anymore?" I sighed earning a few laughs from them both.

"You look gorgeous" Lana said her eyes filling up once more

"no no no no! what have I said about crying?" I glared, she softly chuckled and fanned her face with her hand "Your mother's asking for you Vic"

He nodded, pecked me on the lips and left the room. "Speaking of mothers and family..." she trailed off

"I completely understand that you want them here Lana, they're your family, this is your wedding" I replied

"I know but they're yours too, maybe you could sort things out, become a family again, I know th-"

"No, I'm sorry but no, I can't. You know how things were, I've never been part of a family. I'll be polite for your sake, but I'm not going back" I whispered. She smiled, not bothering to press me anymore. She knew I was stubborn but she also respected my choice which is one of the things I loved most about her. "Lindsey's outside by the way..." I smiled softly telling her it was okay. I grabbed Lana's hand and walked outside to the car. Everyone had already left now for the church so it was just us three. I wasn't exactly happy with Lindsey given everything with Oliver but I had to let that go, even though I wasn't sure I could.

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