Jealousy is Her Greatest Enemy (Katarina × Ashe)

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Jealousy is Her Greatest Enemy

"Well," Vi ran a hand through her pink hair while she had an arrogant smirk on her face. "That was easy."

Ten champions stood in the summoning chamber, recently finishing a round of their battle in Summoner's Rift.

"Don't be so arrogant, Vi." Caitlyn said, rolling her eyes at the bruiser. "It was a close fight."

"Yeah, right." Katarina snorted, causing the sniper to raise an eyebrow at the Noxian. "My standing was 35 kills, 0 deaths and 12 assists, so I'm sure you get my point, Sheriff."

"You fought with precision, yet there was one thing I noticed though."

"Oh really?" The red haired assassin feigned interest. "And what may you have noticed oh so great detective?"

Caitlyn remained stoic. "You fought with haste as well."

Katarina rolled her eyes. "Yeah? Well, I wanted a quick death for them, so you can just shove that little opinion of yours up your a...-!"

"Wait," Cassiopeia abruptly interjected. "A quick death? That's quite surprising, especially since it came from you, Katarina."

"I usually don't join trivial matters such as this, but I can't help but agree with Caitlyn and Cassiopeia." Vayne interjected. "There must be a reason why you were too quick to finish the match."

Before Katarina could utter an answer, Cassiopeia scoffed, which ended up cutting her sister off. "A little queen waiting for her little kitty?"

A blade was thrown to the direction of the Serpent's Embrace, who merely swerved to the side with ease and little effort on her part.

"Shut up, Cass."

"Oh! Are you talking about Ashe?" Vi bluntly and loudly asked, a wide smile on her face.

Katarina turned and shot Vi a death glare, taking a large ounce of restraint to not throw dozens of daggers and blades at the Piltover Enforcer. She was about to spat a smartass retort when Cassiopeia abruptly cut her off once again.

"Oh, don't bother denying or explaining yourself, Katarina. You should hurry up and leave us. I assume that Her Highness herself is waiting for her knight in leather clad clothing."

Another blade whizzed past Cassiopeia, almost lunging itself in her face. Due to her speed, she managed to dodge it in the same manner earlier.

Katarina walked out of the summoning chamber, leaving the other champions in the said area.

xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

"That was a good match, Ashe." Twisted Fate complimented, pulling his hat down slightly as he nodded.

"Your arrows always hit the bulls-eyes, ya know?" Wukong quipped, a large smile on his face.

"You were really hard to shut down." Lucian said, flashing a small smile at the archer.

"You even stole three dragon kills from us." Udyr murmured quietly.

"Just what we should expect from the Frost Archer." Garen said with his deep voice.

"That must be the obvious reason why she's the Queen of Freljord, don't ya think so?" Ezreal joined in, grinning.

"Never underestimate her." Lee Sin added.

"Your skills are really commendable, Ashe!" Xin Zhao loudly stated, a grin on his face.

"I can say the same." Pantheon gruffly said.

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