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LAUREL SAT DOWN on one of the front benches in the Quidditch stadium, watching multiple red-robed and green-robed boys and girls on broomsticks zoom around, some quickly and others a bit slower. Some were just levitating on their brooms, looking around the stadium. Ravenclaw was having their tryouts too, since it had rained hard on their tryout day, so Evan agreed to share the pitch with them. He got along well with their captain thankfully (much more than Fred II had).

⠀⠀Even though she wanted to be alone to draw, Dominique and Callen dragged her with them and insisted her coming, so she obliged. Maybe something entertaining would happen in the tryouts. Like Liam falling off his broom, for example, she thought as she caught sight of him in front of the goalposts. Though it wouldn't be a pretty sight, Laurel really did want James or someone to accidentally push Liam off his broom.

⠀⠀While Callen was too busy talking to Evan on the side, Dominique and Laurel looked up, staring at the people trying out hovering around. Laurel caught sight of James as he seemed to be flying towards Laurel and Dominique.

⠀⠀James stopped along the edge of the Quidditch stadium in front of the bleachers, where Laurel and Dominique sat. Laurel desperately wanted to tell him to push Liam off his broom, but she refrained from doing so.

⠀⠀"Finally on your broom now, aren't you?" Dominique asked, smiling as she got up and leant on the edge of the wooden stands, where James was on the other side. Laurel followed suit and James couldn't help but stare at her.
⠀⠀"Yeah," James said, chuckling, looking back at his cousin from Laurel. "Haven't been up here in awhile."
⠀⠀"You think you can push Liam off of his broomstick for me?" Dominique asked, jerking her chin towards the boy who seemed to be struggling to stay up on his broom. Laurel chuckled inwardly as Dominique seemed to have read her mind.

⠀⠀James chuckled and turned to Laurel purposefully. "We're already on bad terms as it is, aren't we, Laurel?"
⠀⠀"Oh — er, yeah," Laurel said, looking up from her white sneakers, which she suddenly found interesting from the green coral lichen stuck on it. James turned back to his red headed cousin and Laurel turned back to her shoes. Coral lichen never failed to interest her.

⠀⠀"What do you mean? Anderson and you were alright last year," Dominique questioned after casting a puzzled look between the two.
⠀⠀"I need to be off, but Laurel can tell you all about that," James said, smirking before zooming away, Dominique grumbling. Laurel would tell her bits of the story but then go off into an explanation about something else.
⠀⠀"Laurel," Dominique asked, Laurel looking up from her sneakers again, plopping down on one of the bleachers, peeling the lichen off, "what happened at Hogsmeade?"
⠀⠀"What do you mean?" Laurel asked genuinely, her mind off in the depths of the information she had read on coral lichen. Dominique sighed and waved Callen over, who came over immediately as she caught sight of Dominique's blazing look, kissing Evan good luck on the cheek and then walking over.

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