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LAUREL WOKE UP TO a splitting headache. She felt absolutely horrible; she felt like her entire body had taken a full beating last night. Turning on her bed, she realized she was in her dormitory, and that the time was almost well into the morning. The dormitory was quiet and empty, her friends nowhere to be found.
⠀⠀She didn't bother sitting up, groaning as her head continued to throb. Closing her eyes again, bits and pieces of last night came back to her head slowly. Merlin, how much did she have to drink last night? It was clearly more than her body could handle.

⠀⠀Laurel could easily tell that she reeked of Firewhiskey, cringing at it. She forced herself out of her bed, even though her legs threatened to give out, grabbing things to go bathe. Turning on the water, she filled the tub with hot water, pulling her clothes off and sinking herself into the water.
⠀⠀She sat there in the peace and quiet of the Saturday morning, trying to piece together everything from last night. However, there seemed to be something from last night that was cut short. She could only remember as far as dancing with James, but never anything farther than that. Something was missing, but she must've been too drunk to remember. James probably forgot as well. He probably had no recollection of last night anyway.

⠀⠀The blonde sat there until the water went cold, finally getting out, smelling like roses instead of Firewhiskey. She quickly cast a Drying Charm on herself except her hair, pulling on her clothes and draining the water. She looked into the mirror, judging herself. Laurel didn't look as bad as she thought, but she didn't look or feel so great either. Pushing her damp hair from her neck, she noticed a reddish purple mark on her neck, completely confused. It had never been there before.
⠀⠀Laurel touched it, cringing a little at the small pinch of pain as her finger passed over. It wasn't large but it was enough for her to know what it was. Hickey. She couldn't even remember getting it. Her head hurt too much to remember the charm to cover it.

⠀⠀She walked out of the bathroom, running a hairbrush through her damp blonde hair, Dominique and Callen came back, both giggling as they entered.

⠀⠀"Sleeping Beauty is awake!" Callen exclaimed, pulling off her jacket. They had been at Hogsmeade.
⠀⠀"Hogsmeade?" Laurel asked, trying not to sound too disappointed that she had missed the social gathering.
⠀⠀"Yeah," Dominique said, placing her Honeydukes bag down. "We tried to wake you up for it but you were out like a light."
⠀⠀"It's okay," Laurel said, shrugging, heading to the mirror, still looking at the love mark on her neck.
⠀⠀"Well, if it makes you feel any better," Callen said, shrugging, "James didn't come with us either."
⠀⠀Laurel chuckled. "Not everything is about him. And either way, I'm not mad you both went without me. It's alright."
⠀⠀But she did feel a little better.

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