Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

(Continue Miracle)

Romeo: Miracle I believe you and your friends are lost

Royal: I see my girlfriend isn't with you tonight

I had to leave my best friends behind and I came with my home boys. Only reason is because Royal is Ruby girlfriend and Romeo is Pearl other boyfriend and Rich brother. I promise I wouldn't hurt them. But Rich don't get along with his siblings and he's on my side but he wasn't here right now either. I left him at my place with my best friends. I realized I was out number tonight. I only had three people with me and Romeo crew was all over the place. I started thinking things over and I should've never came in the area with only a few people. But I ain't no punk and everyone knows that. I was snapped out my thoughts by Royal snapping her fingers in my face.

Royal: Bitch why you here

Miracle: Because one of you'll motherfuckers found out where I live and stole from me

Royal: Bro you hear this shit bitch ain't no one wasted their time stalking you to get the address and steal from you not that interesting


Ain't this point I was enraged. I got my gun ready and so did other people. Before I knew it a silence took over. The tension was so deep you could cut it with a knife. Something in my head was telling me don't do it. I needed to listen to my intuition and I lowered my gun. They lowered they're and it was still silent. My phone started ringing making everyone jump a little. I looked to see who it was and it was my dad. He's the last person I wanna talk to. I shut the sound off on my phone and I directed my attention back to the situation. I told them they good for now but if I find out they stole my shit I'm coming back. Me and my crew got into our cars and drove away. My only last option is dig into my secret stash and use that money. I was saving that for college next summer but I'll just replace before then. I went home got to my secret stash and bought the stuff I needed for my customers. After a long day I was relieved to finally have time too myself. I decided I go to Miya house tonight. But something about her just doesn't seem right to me.



After that situation was handled I was at my place in bed with Royal. We just got finished having sex and now she needed to go home. I just didn't feel like being around her no more tonight. I lied and told her I had a big test in first period tomorrow. She left and I used that time to call up Miracle and invite her over. She answered on the third ring.

Ruby: You good now

Miracle: I guess

Ruby: What's wrong talk to me I know when something bothering you

Miracle: Its Miya

Ruby: I don't like her

Miracle: I know.......... we had sex the other night

Ruby: Really wow

Miracle: My head is just all screwed up I told myself no strings attached but she was there when I cried about Chase and she just let me cry in her arms and you been my best friend for years and your taken and I don't wanna ruin our friendship and something doesn't seem right with Miya but I like her and I like you

Ruby: Miya no good and since when you started having feelings for me

Miracle: I don't know and I said no strings attached but.....

Ruby: My sex game is so good you couldn't resist

Miracle: Lol......I was about to go to her house but she wasn't even home wanna come over tonight and talk more in person

Ruby: I'll be there soon

I got dressed and packed myself a overnight bag. I took my backpack for school tomorrow and my overnight bag and stopped by my parents bedroom. I heard moaning sounds so I just left a note on the fridge. I checked on Pearl who was sleeping and wrapped in Rich arms. I told him where I was going and he said he will tell her when she gets up. Before I knew it I was out the door and I was in front of Miracle apartment door a hour later. I dumped Royal on the way over here and she cried. She will live though. I opened the door and Miracle was standing there in her robe and doggy slippers. I was about to kiss her but she turned her face.

Miracle: Cheat on me and we fighting I need to be your one and only so did you dump that bitch

Ruby: Your my only one I promise

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone.

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