Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


Faith: Cookie

Miracle: You want a cookie

Faith: Yes

Miracle: Okay let's go get some

Faith: Yay

Chase and his wife needed a little break so I took Faith with me for a while. She's been staying with me the past month. I didn't realize how fun she was until I spent more time with her. She's so adorable and she's always happy. She barely gives me any problems. She listens to me and she's very smart. While I'm outside getting cookies for her I needed to go see what's up with Chase and his wife. Neither one of them has been answering their phone's. I hope nothing is wrong. I went to a old fashioned cookie place and after five minutes she finally made up her mind on triple chocolate fudge cookies. I just smiled at her as she sat in the back seat and crumbs on her face and chocolate on her shirt. I don't really like cookies but she offered me one so I ate it and it was better than I thought. I also love that she's so sweet and generous. Anyways I pulled up to Chase house and I got out of the car. I let Faith get on my back and we made our way up the stairs. He lives in a abandon warehouse that no one ever comes in. But he had decorated up nice and he also choose this place so he didn't have to pay rent. It's also right next to the spot he got shot at. Anyways when I got up the stairs everything was quite. I called for Chase or someone and my voice just echoed. I decided to go upstairs to his room. When I got there I was horrified. I rushed by his side and I cried. I felt Faith hot tears dripping down my back as she cried and covered her face. He had stabbed and gun shot wounds in his body. But I can tell he put up a good fight. There was blood everywhere. I then placed a sheet over his body and left the room. By the way it looks I can tell he was dead for days. I should have went over there sooner. I looked around the rest of the place and his wife was dead too. I then looked for my niece and nephew and I eventually found them in a closet. They looked unharmed but I could tell they died because of starvation and dehydration. I left the house and my mind was all fucked up. I don't know who would do something like that. I thought about Miya but then again she doesn't know Chase was alive. I tried calling up Royal but no answer. The last time I spoken to her was the other night. I went back to my apartment and I told Faith I gotta handle something. I told her be quite and when I get back she can get more cookies. She gave me a hug and I told her I be back. I was going back to town to find Royal and to get to the bottom of things. As I was driving I noticed my car making a weird sound. I was about to stop but suddenly I slid off the road. My car flipped down a hill a bunch of times. When it finally stopped the car was upside down. I couldn't breath. My body was hanging out the window but my legs were tangled in the seatbelt. I couldn't scream or move my arms. Suddenly I seen figures standing over me. I realized it was Miya and all my friends. I was confused and wondered what was going on.

Miya: Awwww you poor thing you look so confused.........I'll just explain it to you we know what you did to your little girlfriend Ruby and your people wanted to make you pay and you already know you and I had unfinished business so we teamed together and thought of a way to get rid of you and now look where we are you should have died 12 years ago anyways

With that being said she put her hands over my mouth and nose. I struggle trying to get my legs untangled since I couldn't move my arms and fight back. Everyone around just watched. I didn't mean to do that to Ruby but she was leaving me. Although I wanted to be loved I was scared of it. I finally stopped struggling and accepted my fate. I started crying thinking about everything. My last thought was I hope Faith is okay. But then again I'm not going to let these bitches win. I bet even when I'm dead I'll get my revenge. I just looked at the sky and my world went completely blank.

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone.

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