Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


Miya: What's up little sister

Jayda: You know damn well I can't stand your fucking ass what do want

Miya: Now you know the last time you got smart me what happened

Jayda: I'm baking cookies and I don't want it to burn so what do you need since that's the only time you knock on my door

Miya: I just took out some trash and that trash has little sister and I don't want that little girl growing in a foster home since I took her family so go pick up that little girl and do what you want with it. I mean you said you wanted kids right since your vagina don't work properly and you can't produce your own

My eye twitched a little at that comment. She really saying some fucked up shit to me as usual. She's actually the reason why I can't have kids. But my life is a long story. But anyways with that being said she left and I shut my door. Miya is my older sister. But I hate my family because I'm not a killer the way they are or at least I don't wanna be. My dead brother killed innocent children before and my sister Miya well be with you, tell you she loves you, then be pointing a gun at your face. You either ride with her or you die. She's also a rapist and I'm just not cold hearted the way she is. But I turned off my oven and I went to go see what she's talking about. As I was driving taking the long way instead of the highway I noticed a car flipped upside. I pulled over on the side of the road and got out. I walked over there and I realized there was this girl and I'm not sure if she was dead or still alive. I decided to take her body out the car and I put her into mines. I'm a nurse and I run my own little hospital at my house because all the criminals out there that don't wanna go to hospital after you commit a crime and don't wanna get caught by the cops. I also don't charge people either my help is free. But when I'm not home I'm stripping which is my other job. You gotta do what you gotta do right. I also run a bakery from my house. Anyways I got to the apartment Miya told me too and I looked around and I found this little adorable girl sleeping. I packed a few things she need and I was taken her home. She must have some family out there that would want her. If not then I will adopt her myself because the foster system is only going to make her life worse. When I got home I put the little girl in a empty bedroom then I took this other girl to the hospital I have in my basement. Whatever happened she had a lot of injuries. I could already tell her arms were broken so I took care of that first. When I was finally finished taking care of her she was opening her eyes.

Jayda: Hey are you okay

Miracle: Who are you where am I

Jayda: I'm Jayda and I found you on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere so I bought you here. You have two broken arms, a serious concussion, a broken pelvis, and a sprained ankle. You looked purple and pale when I brought you here it's like some was trying to suffocate you

Miracle: Should I be scared that some stranger randomly trying to help me. No one likes or loves me so what the hell do you want from me I will kill you

Jayda: I see someone has trust issues. Look girl I'm not trying anything you were just hurt and I wanted to help I didn't even know I see you I was on my way somewhere else

Miracle: Where were you supposed to be going

Jayda: My bitch ass sister went and killed someone and she said this little girl don't have family so in the morning I'm going to see what I can do and try at least some family out there that will take her and if not adopt her myself

Miracle: My little sister all alone

Jayda: Let me go get her I promise I'm not going to hurt her or you I see you have problems trusting and I don't blame you it's a cold world out there but just know I'm not going to hurt you

She still had a little attitude with me but she told me where her sister was. I then realized this is same address Miya told me. But it all make sense now. She then asked me do I wanna help get revenge and I told her whatever she needs.

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone.

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