Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

(2 Months Later)

(Continue Miracle)

I woke up to flashing lights in my eyes. I seen people standing over me but my vision was a blur. I realized I was in the hospital. I felt some little hands grab my face and I heard laughter. I knew that was Faith and she was probably happy that I'm waking up. My head was pounding right now and it felt like my back was a fire. Everything around me started becoming clear and I realized Jayda and Lele were standing over me.

Jayda: I thought I lost you

Lele: Yeah you scared us

Miracle: What happened

Jayda: You were in a coma for two months

Lele: You also fell six stories and hit your head and broke your back and leg. But thanks to you turning on the stove someone in the apartment next door called about carbon monoxide and the fire department was on its way. I seen you turn on the stove but was to weak move so I just laid there next to Jace. Right after you fell the firefighters came and got Jayda before she could get burned. As for Miya she burning in hell now and I tried calling Royal and telling her Miya gone but she still wants nothing to do with me and then she changed her number

I watched as Lele started looking sad. I wanted to give her a hug but I was in too much pain to do so. I felt so weak and I just needed to go back to sleep before I knew I had dozed off into a deep sleep.

(1 Month Later)

I was finally being released from the hospital. I was happy because I hate hospitals. I was still in a lot of pain and I still don't remember what happened that night. The last thing I remember is Faith putting cookies in the tub while Lele was taking a bath. I wish I could have seen Miya burning in that fire. I'm so glad I don't gotta worry about her no more. My old neighborhood was finally getting back to normal with her off the streets. The word is all her crew members are doing life in prison. At least Miya burning in hell with her brother now. When I got home Jayda made me comfortable in bed and cater to my every need. By the end of the night I found myself laying on her chest and she was holding me. She kissed me forehead which made me smile.

Jayda: For a second I thought I lost you

Miracle: Well you didn't and I'm here

Jayda: Glad that you are otherwise I wouldn't have gotten the chance to make you my wife

Miracle: What

Jayda: I love you so much and I don't ever wanna lose you. Well you marry me?


The End

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoyed the story overall. But things don't end here. I'm making a spin-off to this story called My Kind Of Love. This story will focus more on Lele and her life. Tough Love is coming soon. But don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone. Also stay tuned for a sneak peek of my new story My Kind Of Love.

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