Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Finally the weekend was here again. Me and my friends right now were just grocery shopping goofing off. It was my usual people the twins and Rich. We always have a good time together. Since the past few days and dating Ruby she's been at my house every night and we went on a date every night. It was fun being her best friend but I was enjoying myself more now that I'm her girlfriend. I've been avoiding Miya calls. At some point she left me a angry voicemail and Ruby called her back and cursed her out. But anyways we were just going around the store riding on the shopping carts until I ran into her. She walked up to me and she had a angry look on her face. I hate when people look at me like they trying to do something so I gave her a look equally intimidating as hers.

Miya: So now you wanna be big and bad after I took your virginity

Ruby: Nope sorry bitch that was me

Miya: You must've been the bitch I was talking to on the phone

Miracle: You'll we in the damn grocery store but I'm sorry Miya I'm done with you in that way I'm not saying we can't be friends

Miya: You know what we can be friends

She gave me a hug and flashed that sexy smile of hers. She said she call me later and walked off. After I was done shopping I decided to answer my phone. My dad been calling me all week and I wanted to put a end to it right now. I want nothing to do with this man.

On the phone with her mom

Miracle: Why the fuck you keep calling me

Mom: Sweetie this your mother I been calling you

Miracle: Oh what's up what happened to your phone

Mom: Sweetie your dad and I got into a fight about his drinking and he threw my phone into wall but I been calling you because he's in the hospital he had stroke what if I caused it what if I killed my husband all I wanted him to do was stop drinking

Miracle: Listen to me you are sad and pathetic that man you treats you like trash and you constantly keep running back to him I don't wanna hear it and that man is not my father he tried to rape me I don't want nothing to do with him

Mom: Your one cold hearted bitch but sweetie listen I need a favor

After getting off the phone with my mom I was in tears. I still love my father but what he did really hurt me. He's the reason why I don't trust men. My friends seen I was upset and they were by my side. Eventually Pearl and Rich left me alone with Ruby. I told her what my mom needed and before I knew it I was driving across town to her house. I had no idea my mom had another baby and I can't believe my mom left her alone to be with a abusive alcoholic. She needed someone to take her in and I can't watch nor raise a baby. I'm just gonna drop this little girl off to a group home. When I got inside my mom house this place was a mess. I eventually found a bedroom and I seen the cutest baby ever. She looked like me because we both favor our mom more than dad. She was just sitting on the floor playing with a toy. She looked in my direction and she smiled. She crawled over to me and wanted me to pick her up. I did just that and she kept on smiling at me. She was just so adorable and I started crying a little bit. How on earth could I give up on this cutie pie? I'm her big sister but more importantly how the hell do I raise a baby?

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone.

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