Bonus chapter-1 *Love*

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Well, it's just a Bonus chapter. Don't assume it as a next part of something because it's NOT. Read till end!!!


** Jessica's P.O.V**

Today, Max abruptly asked me, "How did you even fall for someone like me?"

And I could say nothing. I paused for a brief moment and thought to myself, where do I start from?

Was it when he met me, after being away for some, one and half years? I was upset and he had angrily, yet gently, hugged me, noticing my mood.

He didn't know, but I had fallen in love with his intense love.


Was it in the middle of my post graduation, when I had been upset over my low grades and he had offered me an ice cream treat? Sitting in front of him, I had gulped my ice cream carelessly. His unwavering gaze and captivating smile had melted all my inhibitions.

He didn't know, but I had fallen in love with his peculiar smile.


Was it in the beginning of college, when I skipped college for the first time because he made me to do it? He took me to an Indian restaurant; although, he never tasted Indian food before that.

He didn't know, but I had fallen in love with his courtesy.


Was it when he took a stand for me in front of the whole cafeteria, even when we weren't on good terms?

He didn't know, but I had fallen in love with his badass and carefree nature.


Was it when he accidentally kissed me in his car, even it was just for few seconds? He apologised for that and promised me not to repeat that mistake again, yet he repeated it several times.

He didn't know, but I had fallen in love due to those mistakes.


Was it when he saved me from my ex and introduced himself as my boyfriend?

He didn't know, but I had fallen in love with his cocky nature.


Was it when I got to know the real side of a bad boy?

He didn't know, but I had fallen in love with his innocence.


Was it when, walking through our favourite park, he had held my hand for the first time ever? I had witnessed his fingers entwined with mine and felt my heart flutter.

He didn't know, but I had fallen in love with the fulfilled gaps in our fingers.


Was it when he saved my close friend from a bastard, even though he made me his fake girlfriend in exchange of that?

He didn't know, but I had enjoyed becoming his fake girlfriend.


Was it after the incident when I was completely ignoring him? He had pulled me closer, and whispered in his unyielding tone, "I am not giving up on us."

He didn't know, but I had fallen for his stubbornness.


Was it a few days later, when we were talking about how things wouldn't work out between us, and prudently we ought to try staying apart? Our stares locked, and a moment hence, our lips connected with amazing passion.

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