My Treehouse

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Friday began on a god but awkward note because all through my first class, Luke and I just sat smiling at each other. We talked a little but whatever we said, I have no clue what it was. I was really beginning to love him. 

Math was terrible, because of course I couldn't have just one fully good day without my brother ruining it. 

It all started with Dylan forgetting his homework. Although this was not an unusual occurrence, today he was actually scared because it was worth extra points, and he would need this class to graduate this year. So when Mr. Palmer asked us to get out our homework, he freaked. He frantically started scribbling stuff then looked up at my slightly smug face. 

He gasped as he remembered. "Oh yeah, Kota! I forgot you were in this class! Give me your homework so I can copy it!" he demanded. Mr Palmer announced he would be coming around checking it soon but would give us a few minutes to check with a neighbor. 

"HA!" I laughed, "No way! This homework took me forever and you didn't even try!" 

"God, you really don't get high school, do you?" he asked, practically spitting. 

Well..." I faked being stupid and twirled my hair around a finger, "I get that you have to do you homework to pass a class.... Does that count?" 

His eyes glared and I could tell he was completely pissed. He suddenly reached around me and grabbed my homework off my desk. 

"Hey, give that back!" I demanded, trying to grab it from him. 

"No! I need it!" he said. I jumped more and more and he stretched it around to both sides of me and even above my head. I kept trying to reach for it until JJ turned around, stretched out, and plucked it right out of his hand, passing it back to me. I smiled at her gratefully and she reciprocated a smile, turning back around. 

"HEY!" Dylan yelled. 

I stuck my tongue out at him, and turned around, just barely placing my homework down when Mr. Palmer came around to check the slightly crumply pages. After Mr. Palmer had checked all the homework, he turned off the lights and began a lesson on a projector in the front of the room.

Suddenly, a note dropped on my desk. 

I looked down and read in Dylan's harsh scrawl "Do that again and I will give you a way worse payback than last time."

I heard a harsh chuckle and then Dylan's head was almost cheek to cheek with mine as he said "Next time, baby, listen to what I say, no questions asked." He pulled back and when the lights went on and class ended, I bolted out of there with no stopping, even to wait for JJ. 

In science we began a dissection, and I could hardly focus at all, thinking about my jerk of a brother. Finally, that class ended too and soon after, the rest of the day did. 

I went home, content to just do my homework at the dining room table. 

As I was working, my brothers called for me. I refused to come until Nick called out "Kooootaaaa, you have to!" I remembered our agreement and begrudgingly walked upstairs muttering. Most of our family meetings happened in Dylan's room so I headed there.

I went into the room and sat down on the floor. "What do you need?" I asked. 

"I don't like our deal." Nick said, while my brothers stared at him curiously.

"What deal?" Talen asked.

"I promised Kota that-" Nick began until I cut him off. "Please don't!" I begged beseechingly while looking up at him. My brothers knew I wasn't one for begging unless absolutely necessary so they grinned and Talen laughed in anticipation.

I looked up at Nick and begged more.

"Okay, now I'm really curious." Dylan said, staring at Nick.

Nick said "Sorry, Kota, but it's for your own good... I've been thinking about this for a while."

"No! Nick, seriously, don't do this!" I begged even more, now up on my knees, both hands in front of me. 

A small smile grew on Nick's face as he stuttered. "Well, basically.... Dakota is in love with a guy at school." My brothers jaws all dropped.

As he said this, I did what any normal little sister would do. I ran.

Out of the room. Downstairs. To the back door. Into the backyard. And then into my treehouse.

I heard large pounding steps as I reached outside and then heard them looking around inside. I curled up in a corner of my treehouse. I know Blake used to come in here with me sometimes, I mean he built it for me, but it was slightly possible he wouldn't tell.

No such luck.

I heard him call out "Maybe in the treehouse!" Because only about 3 people could fit at one time, they all raced for it. They stood at the bottom of the tree and called out "KOTA! You up there?"

I stayed quiet.

Blake yelled "If you don't tell us right now, I will take away your phone for a month!"

I stayed quiet.

"You're up to a year now!" he added.

I thought about my precious IPhone. No, I couldn't take that. I had to talk. 

"Last chance, are you up there?" called Blake.

"No?" I called back. 

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