Chapter 2 - The Honk

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Chapter 2

The Honk

After a couple classes I tagged along with Owen to the lunch room and he introduced me to Alan, a smiling boy with kind eyes and curly brown hair that grew to just above his shoulders, he looked like what I had thought young Sirius Black had looked like when I had read Harry Potter. He seemed nice enough and we all sat down at a table in the corner, Owen and Alan pointing to different tables and their occupants, "Over there are the Fluffy Towels, what we call the popular girls" Owen said and I joked "What do you call the popular guys? Dish Clothes" Alan and Owen both chuckled "Those are the exchange students" Alan said pointing to a group of people all shapes and sizes, but they seemed to be having a grand time, Alan and Owen continued to point people out and when they where donewe started to eat, I struck a up conversation "My granddad's name is Alan" I said to said boy "Oh that'scool" Alan said back "You know I think I had a great uncle Lance" Owen said "Really!" I said, surprised "It's not a very common name" and we talked about names for a bit until Owen asked me what my parents did for a living after saying his where doctors "Uh..." I said thinking of a way to explain without giving to much away "Lets just say its a unique job" I said grinning and they looked at each other but Owen shrugged and said "Cool"

Our next class, me and Owen had with Alan, it was Science, I had always liked science, maybe cause my dad did or maybe it was just me, either way it was my favorite subject. Our teachers name was Mr. Jones and he looked slightly familiar to me but I shrugged it off and sat down, in between my new found friends and pulled out a paper and pen to write down notes and the class started. I spent the rest of the day joking around with Owen and Alan and when the let out bell rang we migrated to the front of the school and stood around a big birch tree, just talking, I was waiting for my dad who had hinted earlier this morning that we might be going out for dinner with Simon, something we only did on special occasions (Apparently the first day of school counted.) Owen was rambling on about some teacher when he stopped mid-sentence and stared towards the pick-up spot for students, I only looked around when I heard a honk and I saw my dads light green car, my dad and Simon both smiling, "Holy Crap!" Owen said "That's Lewis and Simon" almost squealing in surprise, he and Alan then shifted their gaze to me and back to the dark haired man in the car "Lance..." Alan started to say but I cut him off "Sorry got to run, that my dad!" an ran off leaving the other two gaping in my wake.

Just as I side note in this story The Yogscast still produce videos and content, all of them, just in case you where wondering.

- Jo

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