Chapter 14 - Livestreams and Comments

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Chapter 14

Livestreams and Comments

December break at last! I counted the days to the Livestream, crossing out the days with red x's on my calander, some of the only things I wrote on the calander.

I sat in the office studio, sitting next to Sparklez and he was explaining to me what to do during the livestream "Basically we're controlling the sound" he said and I nodded understanding then stood up, he stood up as well "See you later" he said and I smiled and started to the door "Remeber it starts on Saturday" he said as I left "How could I" I responded.

"Are you guys watching the livestream tommorow?" I asked my friends over Skype "Totally" Alan and Owen said in unison and Nifer laughed at them then said "If I get the chance" I smiled, I hadn't told them I was helping out, what a shock it would be for them to see me sitting next to Sparklez in the stream room, wearing headphones and joking with everyone. "What'll you be doing during the stream?" Alan asked me "Oh probably just edit while watching it or something" I lied, I wasn't a brilliant liar and I thought I saw Alan looked suspiciously at me "Alright" he said and we continued to chat normally. I grinned at the prospect of tommorow night.

"Simon!" I heard my dad yell down the hall "get to the stream room now!" and I heard a huff and a door slam, then Simon walking down the hall, mumbling something about disruptions and getting ready way to early. I smiled at this and checked my digital watch 6:30 It read "30 minutes" I said and went back to editting the most recent video for my channel. Time always seemed to fly when I was editing and it was double time today, before I knew it Sparklez had popped his head in and said "Its starting" and then left for the stream room, I quickly closed my tabs but left up my editing and the stream channel, grabbed my headphones and walked out to the stream room. I saw my dad, Simon and Paul sitting in front of the two monitors that sat on the big table "Over here Lance" Sparklez said beckoning over to a smaller table with slightly smaller monitors than the streaming ones, I sat down in one of the two desk chairs, he was in the other one.

At first when the steam started there was only face cams of the three at the table, only at 7:00 did my dad tell Sparklez to turn on the face cam that showed me and him at out small table, when he turned it on I turned to the monitor that I was using, it had the stream channel open, and I saw myself, wearing my black headphones and looking a lot like my dad, but younger and I smiled "Looking good" Sparklez said and I saw him talking to me on the screen "You to" I responded and turned back to the camera as my dad talked to Sparklez about stream times. It was gonna be a good night.

7:45 and comments where flooding in, the trio weren't paying much attention and Sparklez was preoccupied, but I read every word. A lot where 'You guys are awesome. Keep it up!' Some where negative and sometimes there was one that read 'Who's the kid?!' when I first saw one like it I was going to reply but before I could the next comment popped up 'That's Junior you dum dum' the person had typed and a smile crept onto my face, I guess I had faithful followers after all. For the next hour or so, before I had to leave, I saw a few more comments about me and always the same person replying with the same answer, just before I left (the stream was still going on) I jotted down the alias of the commenter on a scrap of paper "Two Soups" I quickly scribbled down before shoving the paper in my pocket and making my way out if Yogtowers. I was gonna find out more about this commenter.

Chapter 14 done! Hope you liked it!

Thanks again for all the comments, votes and reads!

- Jo

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