Chapter 12 - Gossip between friends

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(This is all in Nifer's POV)

Chapter 12

Gossip between friends

I ran like lightning up to my room when I got back from the dance, ad headed straight for my mobile "Jess" I said excitedly to the girl on the other end, my best friend who was still in Scotland "What's up" She said and I almost squealed "You know that cute boy I was telling you about" "Which one? You talked about three" was the reply and I rolled my eyes "Owen" "And I was just 'suppose to guess that" Jess said "Anyway. Guess what!" "What?" "He asked me out" I said happily "Really?!" My friend said "Yeah! Where going to the movies next Friday!" "Oh my god Nif that's great!" She said

A extremely short mini-chapter as a fill in!


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