Chapter 28 - Hospital Anouncments

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Chapter 28

Hospital Announcements

The chairs in the hospital waiting room where hard and uncomfortable, but I had been sitting in one for who knows how long, waiting for the doctors to come out and tell us what was wrong with Paul. I glanced over at Anya, she had raced into the waiting room looking pale and worried then had emidiatly taken the chair closest to the door and had remained silent since then, I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. The door started to open and Anya stood up "Is he okay?" Anya said quickly when the doctor opened the door. He looked tiredly around the room, almost as if he where scanning each and every one of us "Will you come outside for a moment" was all the severe looking man said and motioned for Anya to follow him out. I craned my neck to look through the window in the door, and saw the progression of Anya's facial expressions. From shocked to a hand over her mouth to crying silent tears, I stared across at the wall opposite me after I saw the doctor place a comforting hand on her shoulder. What had happened?

When Anya entered the room 5 minutes later her face was red with tears "Anya?" Mum said softly, putting a hand on the others shoulders "You okay" "Im-Im's just Paul he...he's in a coma" she said between sobs. Mum hugged Anya slightly and I saw Dad take his glasses of and cover his face, exhaling loudly "I thought he was dead" he murmured. I didn't say anything, I didn't look at anyone, I was just thankful that Paul was alive "Do they know what's wrong?" Dad asked quietly "We've...we've known for a year." Anya said, sobering up a bit "he's got cardiovascular disease" Mum put a hand to her mouth and Dad leaned against the wall "Can they predict how long he'll be out?" He asked "No" Anya replied bluntly "He might not be there for...for the baby" she added quietly "Baby?" Mum said and hugged Anya again after realizing what she meant "He told me" I said, my voice hoarse from not talking "What?" Dad said sharply out of character "Paul he...he told me about the baby" "When?" Anya asked "'Bout half an hour before he collapsed" I mumbled "But why?" Mum asked "He...he said it was killing him...not telling anyone" I said "I over heard an argument you two had, he didn't want to tell anyone because you weren't married" I continued and Anya started shaking due to tears "Lets got home" mum said standing up "Anya you can stay the night" "Th-thank you" she said though tears and we filed out of the waiting room.

Back at our flat Mum had made a makeshift bed out of the couch for Anya. I checked the time on the stove 10:45 "Geeze" I murmured "how long where we at the hospital?" And I headed to my bedroom. It was small, bigger than my office but still quite small, and was plastered with Yogscast merchandise, the wall beside my bed was completely covered and half my wardrobe was comprised of Yogscast clothing, it wasn't really unusual in our flat, there was Yogscast stuff everywhere. I sat down on the edge of my bed and looked around, my eyes caught a largish papercraft of my Minecraft skin, a gift from Paul for my 10th birthday, and as my eyes scanned the room more I notice more and more presents from Yogs, a green tshirt with a sapling logo on it that Martyn and given me after weeks of begging, Duncan's old pair of scientist goggles that he had gifted me for Christmas, a plush corgi Simon had given to me as a joke, as I looked over my room I realized that Yogscast was my life. I had grown up around it, almost lived and breathed it, I even had to transfer Middle Schools because I kept getting mobbed about it everyday and after everyday at school I go and stay at Yogtowers until it was time to go. I realized that the main reason I had hard time making real friends was because of video games. "Maybe I should take a brake?" I thought, images of Paul passed out on the floor floating around my brain "take a break from video games" and I leaned back into my bed, putting my arms behind my head "but what else would I do?" What would I be? Just some nerd that no one talks to. The loner with no friends. I used to want that, to be alone, 'normal' I used to call it, almost like I had special powers, but that was years ago and I had since come to terms with myself, realized that I was more normal than I thought. I heard a sob from the living room and my thoughts strayed back to Paul, Paul and the baby. What if he wasn't awake when it was born? What if he, he's going to be awake, he's going to be there, I thought forcefully as I drifted off to sleep, images of school and hospital rooms floating around in my head like sugar plums.

This is a kind of shortish chapter I think. A bit confusing at times but I just didn't really know what to write :( I might possibly take a small brake from writing to think about chapter plots, so I might no update for awhile.

Now on a serious note: I did extensive research on Cardiovascular Disease (Heart Disease) and from what I can find it does not make anyone collapse or lapse into a coma, it just worked with the story, also just as a heads up, no one will die in this book. It is meant to be mostly happy but with some sad/scary things happen.

If you're still reading this after my ramble, thanks for all the positive feedback I really appreciate it :)


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