Chapter 32 - Out drinking

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All in Lewis' POV (bet you didn't expect that)

Chapter 32

Out drinking

I glanced blearily at the time on my monitor, 10:00 "Time to go" I muttered and got all my stuff to leave "Lewis!" I head Simon call down the hall and walked out of my office to see him standing at the exit with Duncan "Me and Duncan are going for a drink, you coming?" He said. At first I was going to refuse, saying that I had other things to do, but then my mind went out of control and told me I should, working all day and the drinks cabinet in my office mocking me all day "Sure" I said finally "where to?" I headed to them "Just down the road" Duncan said and we started walking.

An hour and many pints later I walked, well more like stumbled, back to office, why'd I come back here? Both Simon and Duncan and started blurrily walking to their homes and had clapped me on the shoulder before leaving. I slowly walked/stumbled to my office and slumped down into my chair, spinning it lazily my eyes caught the drinks cabinet in the corner 'What the hell' I thought and poured myself a whiskey 'It could be worse' and I continued to lazily spin, slowly sipping my drink and sinking deeper into a haze of drink. How many pints had I had? Three, four? I hadn't had as much as the other two but the spirits I was having now started to add up to more than the couple of beers I had had. "Shit" I mumbled when someone knocked on my door "Lewis?" I heard and the door opened to reveal a Hannah. "Hannah!" I said, hopefully not sounding to drunk. She gave me a stern look "You know better" she said, I felt like a grade school kid getting told off for writing on the toilet stall. I looked down at my glass that was empty for who knows how many times "Yeah" I said and placed it onto my desk before trying to stand up, trying being the operative word, I got up and immediately stumbled onto all fours before laughing slightly as Hannah looked down at me "C'mon" she said exasperatedly and pulled one of my arms around her shoulders and supported me as we left the building "Thanks love" I said quietly and kissed her on the cheek "Don't think you'll be so lucky next time" she said sternly but I could tell through my drink induced haze that she was smiling.

Hannah helped me into the car and I looked lazily put the window as we drove back to our flat. I held her hand like a small child as we walked up the stairs and I grinned stupidly, I leaned against the wall as she opened the door the she pulled my arm over her shoulders once more and helped me inside "Mum?" I heard "what's wrong with Dad?" "Just go to bed Lance" Hannah said and through my bleary eyes I saw a figure hesitate before heading to a room and closing the door quietly "C'mon Lewis" she murmured and we headed to a different room. She released my arm and I flopped onto my back onto the bed, in my day clothes, I didn't even know where my glasses where, probably at the office, I groaned, thinking hurt to much "Serves you right" Hannah said and sat on her side I the bed. I didn't respond, just rolled over and slowly sunk into a alcohol induced sleep.

No Lewis don't get drunk! Believe me it was weird to write this bit.

This is just a little chapter depicting Lewis' drunken point of view of the night. You can like it or not like it.

Thanks for the support! Feedback is greatly appreciated :)


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