Chapter 38 - A flicker of hope

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Chapter 38

A flicker of hope

One more week until summer! I had one exam left and was worried sick because it was my Maths exam. I had snuck out to see Nifer a few more times, she said it was romantic like Romeo and Juliet but I thought it was horrible lying to my parents and quickly pointed out to her that Romeo and Juliet ended with them both dying and she soon stopped mentioning it.

I had finally gotten on top if my videos and was now uploading every few days when I had time. I had progressed in my Let's Build series, finishing the Colosseum, I moved into the Eiffel Tower and was now working on Big Ben, with OLA we had almost 50 episodes out and people where loving it. I realized one day that all 100,000 of my subscribers where faithful and supportive because they had, instead of calling themselves Yognau(gh)ts, stared to call themselves _________, to which I smiled and sent a message on every social thing I was on, saying how much I appreciated how loyal all my viewers where. I did get some bad news though. Tuesday after school Mickey had come up to me at my locker and informed me that he wouldn't be coming back next year "What! Why!?" I said, shocked "Me dads jobs moved 'im again" Mickey said sadly "We're movin' to America" "America!" I said loudly, causing a few heads to turn "Yeah, me dads jobs pretty complicated I don't want to get into it" "When are you leaving?" "Next week. Right after school ends. We can still talk though, over the phone you know" "Yeah" I said "and record to, the server works everywhere" I continued "Yeah. Brilliant that isn't it" Mickey said, putting on a half hearted smile "Well I'm gonna miss you mate" I said and smiled back "Im sure everyone else will to"

I chewed the end of my pencil while I waited for my teacher to dismiss me from the hot classroom "Brindley you can leave" he said and I breathed a silent prayer to the skies. "How'd it go?" Alan asked me when we met outside the class "Stuffy, uncomfortable and stressful" I said then started to rant about Maths, to which Alan smiled brightly at. I was interrupted mid-rant when we turned a corner to see Owen snogging an attractive girl with bright blonde hair and freckles, Jesse. "What the hell!" I said a bit to loudly and they broke apart, Owen with a wide smirk and Jesse bearing a look of accomplishment "Hey guys" Owen said awkwardly, Alan tried to stifle laughs "Im not even going to get into it" I said and walked straight past them; before me and Alan left I looked over my shoulder and saw that they had returned to their snogging. "I'd never...not in a million years..." I tried to find the right words to speak my thoughts and ended up with calling Owen a bas*ard "All year her and her posse have picked at me! All bloody year!" "Calm down mate he's just snogging her" Alan told me while chuckling slightly "It's just..." I stopped my ranting with an exasperated noise of anger and me and Alan parted ways, him heading home and me walking to the hospital to visit Paul.

The doctors said Paul's condition hadn't changed since he had collapsed in February and frankly I believed them. I visited him almost everyday and nothing ever changed, but today got a surprise. When I opened the door to Paul's room instead of it being empty like it usually was there was a man seated in a chair, looking at Paul with sorrow; he wore jeans, a t-shirt, a pair of black trainers with white laces and the Yankees Flat-cap that usually covered his head was, at the moment, resting in his lap, it was Chris. "Hi" I said and the older man jumped slightly as if I had scared him, to lighten the mood I said "You're in my chair" and he looked up at me and smiled wearily "Sorry" he said finally "I was going anyway" and he stood up, putting his hat back on "Do you know anything about the kid?" He asked me just before he left "Only that it's due in November" "Right" Chris said absentmindedly and left, closing to door behind him.

For the first time since I had started to visit I didn't know what to say. I just stared off into space, waiting for words to form in my mind. Finally they came "Come back" I said "everyone's missing you, the office isn't the same without a Sjin" I jumped up in shock when the heart monitor lit up like a Christmas tree and started beeping madly. Doctors and nurses rushed in and I had to squeeze my way out of the door, I took up a post on a chair outside Paul's room and waited. An hour later Mum and Dad sped into the hallway "What happened!" Dad asked quickly "I-I don't know I was just sitting in there and it..." I trailed off and Dad rushed off to talk to doctors while Mum sat beside me "He'll be okay won't he" I asked "Im sure he will" She said but I knew she was lying, he might not come out okay. Half and hour later Dad walked back to us accompanied by the severe looking doctor to had originally given us the bad news, he shook hands with Mum as began to explain "It seems that he almost came to" the doctor said "something must have sparked in his mind and told him to wake up". Something you said perhaps" and he fixed me with a cold look "I-I was just talking about the office and how much everyone wants him back" I mumbled "That could do it" the doctor said "I suppose he's not awake then" Mum asked "Sadly no. The shock wasn't enough to jolt him all the way but I'd say it's a flicker of hope" and he shook hands with my parents once again the walked down the hallway and out of sight. "C'mon Lance let's go home" Mum said and I complied, letting her propel me outside and into the car "Where's Anya?" I asked as we drove home "At out flat, she was asleep when we left." "Oh" I said, I had hoped she was with someone.

It's a bit longer then what I usually write but here it is! Hint for the next chapter: There will be a new character ;)

What do you think Lance's fans should call themselves? Let me know in the comments!

Hope you enjoy reading this chapter, if you have any feedback or suggestions leave a comment!



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