Chapter 4 - A blue introduction

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Chapter 4

A blue introduction

I ran to school, my rucksack thumping on my back, dinner had been fun, me dad, mum, Simon, Paul, Chris and even Chris Jr. (Sips' son) he was a year older than me but we got along fine. But now I was grinning thinking about the looks on Alan and Owen's faces when I saw them at school, it would be amazing.

It was better than I thought. Owen just standing and gaping like a goldfish, Alan looking dumbfound. When Owen found his voice he said "When you said your dad was here did you mean...?" "Yeah" I replied "the man you know as Lewis aka Xephos is my dad" the Alan spoke "So your full name is?" "Lance James Brindley" I said and laughed as their mouths gaped once more, then the bell ran and I said another thing "Please don't tell anyone" an they promised but said that they would bombard questions at me at lunch.

They did. "So your mum's Hannah" "Yes" "Your on first names status with all of them?!" "Yes" "You even have your own office!" "Kinda" I said then told them the tale of my 'office' "That's brilliant" Alan said and sat back in his chair at our lunch table "I never did ask" I said "do you guys like video games?" "Like them" Owen responded "We love 'em" "Cool" I said with a smile "Oh and one more thing" I said something to freak them out even more "Chris Lovasz Jr. also goes here" at this they absolutely freaked and some of the Fluffy Towels looked over and rolled their eyes whilst I laughed my head off.

We where in science and as I mentioned before it was my favorite subject. But at the moment I was to pre-occupied trying to stem the flow of vibrant blue smoke coming from Alan's beaker "You where 'suppose to put it in before, friend" I told him, using one of my dads expressions "Sorry" Alan said for the fifth time "I wasn't paying attention" "It shows" I said laughing slightly but looked up when a girl around my height with flaming ginger hair entered the classroom, she reminded me of Zoey's Mincraft character, just as Owen reminded me slightly of Duncan (artistic skills not included.) "Class" the teacher said and I placed my palm over Alan's beaker to stop it smoking up the room "this is Jennifer" the teacher continued "she's new here from Scotland so help her out" Jennifer smiled and headed to were me, Alan and Owen where sitting "Do you mind?" she said wanting to sit down, I could hear her accent clear as day and it made me think of someone Nilesy had introduced me to once "Sure, sure, not a problem" I said and she sat down "I'm Lance" I said, removing my hand from the beaker for her to shake but withdrew it with a sheepish grin when I notice it had turned blue from the smoke "Sorry" I said "No matter" she responded with a laugh "Call me Nifer" a she smiled. It was a lovely smile.

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