Chapter 20 - Airport Autographs

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Chapter 20

Airport Autographs

I was almost bouncing with excitement as I glanced towards the clock on the History classes wall, ten to lunch, I knew someone was going to pick me up around that time so we could head for the airport, an all I knew was that it wast going to be my dad. It was Friday so it was a good day to leave for Minecon and I had looked forward to it all week "Stop fidgeting" Alan told me "Sorry" I said "Im just to excited" "Tell me about it when you come okay" Alan made me promise "Everything and anything" "Of course-" I started to say but I was cut off by a sharp knock on the class door. Mr. King got out of the hard backed chair that was behind his desk and opened the door "Ah you're here for Lance?" He said and his Canadian accent differed from that of the person outside "Uh yeah" It said and I turned backwards in my seat to see a duo of girls give out a soft squeal and a trio of guys stifle gasps, when the person entered I stood up and gathered up my stuff. Paul seemed very awkward standing the the front of the class while I quickly collected my books he pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose and when I reached him he said "Ready?" And I nodded at the exact same moment the lunch bell rang.

"My high school was a bit like this" Paul told me, leaning on the locker that was next to mine as I gathered up the stuff I needed from it "bit smaller" he continued "but kinda like this." I just nodded then saw Alan nearing us out of the corner of my eye "Just gotta say bye" he said, his eyes flitting to Paul for a split second "Im only gone for three days" I said closing my locker an pulling the strap of by bag onto my shoulder "I'm not moving or anything" and Alan said "Well yeah but you know..." And he trailed "See you in Monday" I said and me and Paul started for the door but before I left Alan called "Don't forget to do your Algebra!" And I smiled.


I had only been to the airport once, when we went to America, I had only been 5 and didn't remember it very well but I had forgotten how big the airport was as I walked into it, pulling my suitcase behind me and following the rest of the group in. Simon, Martyn, Duncan and Paul walked over to the semi-circle of black leather chairs to wait and my mum left for the toilets after a hasty accuse while dad went to the desk to talk about the tickets and I just stood there, not knowing what to do "Excuse me" I heard a voice behind me say and I turned around to see a blonde boy around ten years of age, fiddling with the zipper of his jumper "S-sorry to disturb you but are you Junior?" the boy asked "Uh yeah" I said after thinking for a bit before realizing he recognized me from the livestream "C-could you?" He said and I saw his hand clutched around a black pen and his other hand held a Yogscast t-shirt "Sure" I said and smiled before signing my name Lance Brindley aka Junior I wrote and the boy grinned "Thanks!" He said and ran over to what looked like his parents, almost jumping for joy. "Have a fan I see" Martyn said to me when I joined them by the chairs, I reddened "Uh yeah" I said and he smiled "He seemed pretty excited that kid" he said "Well I guess he just likes m videos" and the conversation was dropped.

"2:45 boarding call for flight 12 to London" I heard I over the speakers "That's us" my dad said and I grabbed my rucksack before following him to the boarding spot, I showed the man my passport and ticket and he smiled at me before letting me go on. When I sat down in my seat next to the window I got out my phone and texted Alan, Owen and Nifer 'On the plane :)' it said and I smiled. It was far into the flight when I fell asleep, I didn't realize it 'till my dad gently shook me awake "Lance" he said "We're here" and I instantly jerked awake. Scrambling to get my stuff back together I followed our group off the plane. I was here in London, ready for Minecon!

There you are chapter 20 done and done! Next chapter will be at Minecon I promise. Hope you like it!

If you have any questions for me leave a comment on my newly formed AMA book and I'll surely answer you! :)

Thanks for all the reads, comments and votes!


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