Chapter 42 - Questions

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Chapter 42


January: Still cold, still rainy and Minecon was in two days. The Yogs where doing another panel but this year it was different. This year I was on the panel. Apparently since I was part of the Yogscast and had over 700,000 subs I could be involved with the panel and I happily accepted.

"Lance!" Mum yelled at me on Friday when we where at Yogtowers "We have to go home and pack!" "Where going on Sunday we don't have to get ready this early" I grumbled as I walked down the hall to the exit "C'mon" she said and we got in the car and drive home.

Right. Packing. I chucked in everything I thought I needed: clothes and toiletries. In a small bag with 'Nilesy Pool Sales' on the side, I packed my DS, extra headphones, iPod and a book that would most likely not be read. The essentials for a gamers trip to L.A. for three days. "I'm packed up Mum!" I said to her from my room "Right. Bring it into the living room." She called back. I lugged my suitcase into the room and sat it down next to the big bag my parents shared and later put my smaller bag next to it.

Next day was Saturday and I was walking to Nifer's house because we where going to a film before I leave. My friends thought that I was just going to Minecon, I wanted to see their faces when they saw the panel video on the channel. "Lance!" Nifer said when she answered the door "Yeah it's me, why are you so surprised?" I questioned "I just didn't expect you is all" she said "Whad'you mean we're going to the cinema." Nifer screwed up her eyes while thinking "Right!" She said finally "I've been really busy and I forgot" "Are we still going then?" I said "Yes, yes!" Nifer said and stepped out onto the pavement next to me. I smiled "Off we go" I said and we walked to the movies.

"We're leaving now!" Dad called from the door of our flat "Coming!" I called back and grabbed my side-bag. Slinging it over one shoulder I quickly laced up my trainers and joined dad at the door "Take a case with you" dad said as he lugged his and mums case along with his laptop case down to the car "and lock the door behind you" "Sure" I said and pulled my suitcase outside of the flat and locked the door before I started for the car.

The plane ride was boring and I soon fell asleep. When we arrived in the airport we collected out bags and left for the hotel. Me, Simon and dad where sharing, Mum and Kim where sharing and Martyn, Turps and Duncan where bunking together. "Lance wake up, we're leaving in 30 minutes" dad hissed at me quietly the next morning "I'm getting there" I mumbled into the pillow and I heard Simon laugh. I slowly got up from the warm tangle of sheets and had a quick shower before dressing into dark jeans, A Spacebutterfly t-shirt (who says I can't), a SipsCo tuque and my usual black trainers. "Ready?" Dad asked "Yep" I said as I shoved my glasses on ad shrugged on my brown canvasy jacket "Follow me!" Simon exclaimed in his dwarven-Scottish accent. I laughed.

"Okay. Simon, me, you and the others have a signing thing in a half hour then the panel at 2:00" dad informed us as we walked away from getting our ID's at Minecon "Lance, don't wander off and remember about the panel" he told me "I won't forget dad I'm 16" I grumbled and we parted ways. I looked down at my ID that hung off of a lanyard around my neck, in bold print is said 'Lance Brindley" above my name was 'Yogscast' in smaller print and in smaller print was 'Great Britain' above that, under my name in slightly small print it read: Junior. I emediatly decided it was something I could keep for quite awhile. In the morning I walked around the show floor, occasionally meeting the odd fan and signing something. At lunch I nipped out and bought a sandwich which I ate quickly. Around 1:50 Turps found me and said I had to come to the panel room, my stomach twisted in anticipation as I entered it.

At 2:00 exactly I was sitting at the end of a log table with the other Yogs, all except Turps who was filming. People where rushing in in waves, all beaming as if they had won the lottery. I twisted my hands nervously as I waited but my heart lifted wide I saw the familiar white haired head of Mickey. I knew he was coming to Minecon but it had slipped my mind that he might come to the panel. When he saw me he waved energetically and I waved back "Who's that?" Kim, who was sitting next to me, asked "Mickey's a friend of mine" I said and she nodded before continuing her conversation with Martyn.

The announcer started the intro and the crowd clapped generously. Throughout most of the panel I was almost silent. Adding tid-bits of information or laughing along with the others. The last 30 minutes was Q&A and I was mostly silent for that to, I only got a few questions directed only at me. The last questioner of the day walked up to the floor mic: a boy around my age, slightly younger with brown hair and sunglasses said "I have a question for Lance" "Yeah?" I said, leaning closer to the mic that was in front of me "How was/is it..." He struggled to find the right words " grow up Yogscast style?" He finished. I was slightly taken aback by the question by answered it as if I had rehearsed "First of all it's brilliant! All of them are my family. Not just my parents but everyone of them, inside and outside of the office. For example: when I was younger I was convinced that Simon was my uncle" I said and a chuckle rumbled over the crowd "I had a faze in grade 3 when the only jacket I would wear was his bright blue Superman hoddie" I recollected and Simon laughed quietly at the memory "If I had grown up any other way it would have been different, I can tell you that. There are sometimes when I wish I couldn't be mobbed, or couldn't be labeled as a 'nerd' or a 'geek' because I like gaming. But if I had grown up any other way I might not have liked gaming, I might not have started a YouTube channel and I definatly wouldn't have met any of you. The Yogscast are my family. All of them. The ones that work in the office and the ones who don't. They've watched me grow, seen me struggle through schools and they have helped me. They have helped me through life and helped me become the person I am today and will continue to help me until they believe I don't need it anymore, and with these guys I could be well into my 40's. Being with them is brilliant and it might sound cheesy but growing up Yogscast style could never be replaced"

And so ends this book. I hope you enjoyed the trip! If enough people want one and if I have any ideas I will possibly make a sequel book.

I really want to thank everyone who has read and liked my book! You guys are awesome so keep being awesome!



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