Chapter 30 - Sick Day

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Chapter 30

Sick Day

Sunday had gone by in a whir and now on Monday it was 9 o'clock and I was sitting on the couch in our flat. Mum and Dad where at Yogtowers, it was just down the street so Mum thought I could be left alone as long as I had a bucket. I wasn't very fond of sick day and whenever I had one I tried to move around as much as possible, which was proving to be hard since the flat wasn't exactly built for exercise. So I had given up and was sitting on the couch with my laptop, editing, it was what I did when I was bored, I was greatly thankful when my mobile rang. I did a quick search for it and found it under my pillow, I put it to my ear "Hello" I said and heard Alan's voice come from the other end, reminding me horribly of my dream "Where are you!" He said, sounding out of breath "Home, I'm sick" "I don't know how this happened but Owen's two multicolored mates, the ones with the dyed hair, have been chasing me around" "What the hell?! Why?" "I don't know but I think chasing is a bit of an understatement, more like hunting I'd say" "Why are you phoning me?" I questioned "I was seeing if you where avoiding them to" "I'm not, I'm at home, I'm sick" I repeated "Well okay then bye" and the phone clicked. Why where those two chasing Alan? What where there names, I think the red haired one was...Jack or something an the blue one was...John, no, James, no...Joshua that was it! Jack and Joshua, but why where they suddenly being aggressive towards my friend? I kept it in the corner of my mind while I kept editing, today was going to be a very boring day.

"...and there's been a collision at Fort and Johnson" the woman in the news said. Yeah that's right I was so board I was watching the news, she went on about traffic and weather, making me so board in switched it off and went back to the computer "I know" I mumbled, I finally knew of a way to pass the time "watch old Yogscast stuff" and that's what I did for the next couple of hours, I was hard not to laugh sometimes, I wasn't board anymore.

This is a very boring chapter for me. I promise the next one will actually have an interesting plot but it might not be out very quickly.


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