Chapter 16 - Return to School

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Chapter 16

Return to School

Cold. Thats the only way to describe the orning today. Really, really cold!

I stood infront of the school, on the forst day back after Christmas. I was trying to sink further into my grey hoodie that proclaimed Property of Sips Co., waiting for Alan (Owen and Nifer had already gone in...holding hands...), and I felt like an icecube "Finnaly" I exclaimed, my breath turning into a foggy cloud, when I saw Alan race over to me, his face looked like a cherry, "Cold?" I asked "Freezing" my friend asked when we entered the school "It's colder in here than it is outside" I complained and Alan chuckled "You'd think we'd be acoustomed to cold weather" "I say that's a myth" I mumbled and we headed to class after being interupted my the starting bell.

I have nothing against Maths, but why did it have to be so boring! Sitting in Maths next to Alan with him aking that irritating high pitch hum that he does when he's nervouse and be finnishing off my work. I glanced over at Owen and Nifer and my stomach did its usual sumersault at the sight, it happened everytime I saw them togeather. I was happy for the, sure, but I still felt like a spear in the heart. I sighed ad leaned back in my chaor and started thinking about the livestream, it had ended but it had been the best christmas ever, for me at least, not sure about my friends.

"What are you doing after school?" Alan asked me at lunch "I don't know" I said, staring at my sandwhich but not eating it, "Probably edit some stuff" and I puched my food away "Something up?" he asked "Nah. Just not hungry" "Right" Alan said with an air of non-beleif "Nothing"

Sorry for a short chapter I just don't have any insparation. If you guys reading have any ideas please shoot them my way please.

Thanks for the reads, votes and coments.


PS. I have a chapter idea when they go to Minecon :)

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