Chapter 35 - L+J= <3

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Chapter 35

L+J= <3

It was official: me and Nifer where dating. I didn't mind that people knew, I mean what harm does I do to have over a thousand people know your dating. But I think it was getting to Nifer.

"Lance?" She said after school one Friday "Yeah?" I said looking up from my science textbook " you mind that so many people know about 'us'?" "No not really. Why?" I said, closing my textbook and looking at her "It's just that...well I don't know I think it's a bit strange" "It's not stranger than our friends knowing" I said and when I saw the sadness on her face I put my arm around her shoulders and gave her a half hug "It's okay love" I said "As long as we know what does it matter right?" "I guess" she said and I planted a kiss on the top of her head "It's okay" I repeated and we got up and I walked her home.

I was editing at Yogtowers in my office when my mobile buzzed to intricate I had gotten a text. I checked it and smiled when I say it was from Nifer, it read: L+J= <3. I smiled again and texted back: I love you to then went back to editing with a stupid, happy grin on my face. "Lance" I heard from the door and saw Kim "Yeah?" "Adrian's off today d'you want to film Yognews?" "Sure. I'll be there in a sec" I said and she nodded then left. I slipped my phone into the back pocket of my jeans and headed to the room where Yognews was recorded and saw the couple of cameras that where used, and Turps sitting behind the table "Hi Mark" I said brightly "Sam can't do it today then?" "Yeah" Turps said with a smile and we started to record once Kim entered and said "Action!"

Next day at school I was walking down the hall when a tall, burly kid pushed me against a locker "Excuse me" I said and the kid turned to face me, he was about a head taller than me, was beefy and had really short black hair "Wha!'" He said in a deep, angry voice "You pushed me and I didn't appreciate it" I said, probably sounding a total nerd. The kid smirked and two other tall, burly kids joined him, the ones with the multicoloured hair "Look who's trying to be cool" the first one said "Nerd" the second one said "Dweeb" said the third then the first grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back, causing me a lot of pain "HEY!" I heard a yell that held a Scottish accent, Nifer, "Leave him alone you jerk!" And she ran over to the trio "Feisty" the second said and the other two smirked, the first twisting my arm more, making me yell out in pain. Nifer got increasingly angrier and swung a fist at one of the three but he was to fast and caught her hand before it hit him, he smirked and said "Don't even try." As all this happened all I could think was how cliché this must have looked and that my arm really hurt "Whoa!" I heard another exclamation of surprised answer and looked up from my shoes to seen Strippin' standing in the hall, what was he doing here? "What's going on here?" The tall man said and strode towards the trio, I looked at the one holding my arm and saw his face flicker in fear "If you'd be so kind as to let Lance go or will I have to make you?" Sam said and they all let go as if we burned them, then they muttered something along the lines of "Whatever" and moved along. Sam smiled at me and I asked "Why are you here?" He held up my phone and smiled "You left your mobile at the office" he handed it to me "Thanks" "See you" Sam said ands tarted down the hall. "That was lucky" Nifer said and I nodded in agreement "You okay" I asked "Yeah" she said smiling "It'll take more than a few jerks to hurt me" I chuckled and held her hand as we headed to class.

Another chapter about Lance and Nifer :) there will be one more focused more on the shipping aspect of them and then it'll probably go on to end of year exams! That's the road for the next couple chapter!

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