Chapter 33 - St. Valentine

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Chapter 33

St. Valentine

It had been a week since dad stumbled home and it was the 14th of February, that's right it was Valentines Day.

"Should we do a valentines special?" Mickey questioned over lunch at school that day "I don't know, the main channel does an animation I think we're off the hook" I replied, glancing over at Nifer who sat next to me at the table "What'd you think Nif?" Owen asked "I think we don't really have to" the ginger replied "Then it's settled" Alan said raising his hands as if he was at a football match "we won't do a valentines special. Agreed?" "Agreed" we chorused then went back to talking about video games.

"Do it you wimp" I heard Alan's voice in my head as I gazed at Nifer from across the football pitch. It was after school and I was determined. I walked robotically over to her and opened my mouth to find words rushing out "Do you want to go on a date?" I said quickly. She looked up at me in surprise "Sorry?" "A date with me, do you want to" I repeated, sounding like Yoda, she smiled that smile I loved to much "Yeah. Yeah that'd be wonderful" "Great. Can you do tonight at...8:00? Maybe we could catch a film?" "Sure" Nifer and and placed a kiss on my cheek before heading down the pavement away from the school. I stood in amazement and my fingers lightly touched my cheek "I did it" I said to myself and inwardly celebrated.

I rubbed my hands together as I waited outside the cinema for Nifer. I checked my watch again 8:15. Had she stood me up? Did she forget? Was she just not coming? Was she waiting for me at a different cinema? But I calmed when I saw her bright ginger hair bobbing through the small crowd of people "Hi" I said when she neared me, her face as red as a cherry and smiling brightly "Hey" she said "Wanna go in" I asked and she nodded. I bought the tickets and some popcorn and we took our seats near the front. I had purposely picked a horror movie, mainly because we both liked them, but also if she got scared she might grab my arm or something, I didn't really know what I was doing seeing as I had never been on a date before. The movie started and the theater hushed into silence.

It was still cold outside when we emerged from the theater after a hour and a half of scares and thrills. "That was fun" Nifer said as we stood outside in the cold "I'm glad you asked me" "I'm glad to" I said and grinned stupidly Do it! my brain yelled and I complied. Leaning in I kissed Nifer, full on, no cheek action here. When I pulled away I saw she was blushing and smiling "Can I walk you home?" I asked "Of course" she said, I intwined my fingers with her's and we walked down the street to her house.

Kind of shortish chapter. I know it was predictable that Nifer and Lance would get together but it's just so hard to ignore it :) I hope you like this one!

Thanks for all the support and feedback I'm welcomed!


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