Chapter 29 - The Dream

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Chapter 29

The Dream

I felt like I was awake, but I wasn't, I was in a dream, I knew because I was in the air, like a fly, but I felt more like a ghost. Floating, suspended in the air. I took a look at my surroundings, I was in what seemed to be a coffee shop. It was small and welcoming, then I noticed that I was positioned next to a corner table, almost like a spectator, in plain view of two men. I moved closet to them and recognized one as my dad, the other man was tall and thin with dark hair and eyes, he looked familiar in a way, then they began to speak. "Haven't seen you in awhile" the tall man said, tracing the rim of his mug with a long index finger "where've you been?" "Here and there" my dad answered, his voice seemed off, it didn't sound like his voice, the it hit me, what if it wasn't my dad, what if it's... "How is she?" The tall man asked and the other responded quickly "Fine" "Look, friend" the tall one said, leaning closer to the other "She'll be fine" "I know" and the dream evaporated into a black fog.

I had been moved. I was now in a familiar place, the hospital. I looked around and spotted the two men, sitting beside each other, the tall one calm and composed, his friend worried and twisting his hands "Lance" the tall one said sharply and my suspicions where confirmed "I told you she'll be fine so she'll be fine, okay!" "Okay" both me and my older counterpart said in unison, then the fog engulfed that scene to. I saw flashes of other memories, some from my past but most of them of the older man. Him studying in a college dorm, drinking coffee in the same shop I had seen him in before, talking with friends, going on dates, all of it seemed familiar to me, and where getting increasingly faster and faster, flashing through my mind like bullets, I thought I was going to be sick, the images whizzing by. Happy, sad, angry, all these emotions overwhelming me, so many, closing on me , crushing me, killing me and then...I woke up.

In a cold sweat, panting and my heart going 1000 miles an hour I rolled over and immediately vomited onto the floor "Mum!" I yelled and collapsed into my pillows, still in my day clothes and feeling like I was going to have a heart attack. The dream scorched my mind like a flame that would never die, Mum was worrying over me, calling in Dad to get a bucket "You're staying home on Monday" she said sternly and I nodded, I had called for her but now I just wanted her to leave. When she did I sank into my pillows and tried to fall asleep again, this time with no futuristic dreams.

This chapter was a bit strange at first and well yeah...

Hope you like it!

Feedback is greatly appreciated!



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