Chapter 22 - Falling out and Irishmen

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Warning: This chapter contains more swearing than usual. Mainly in the second and third paragraphs.

Chapter 22

Falling out and Irishmen

The other two days of Minecon went by in a blur of signings and awkward talks with fans, and before I knew it I was sitting back in my chair at Yogstowers editing videos. "Ugh" I moaned and slid down in my chair until my head was in the middle of the back, I took off my glasses and rubbed my eyes, I had spent the last hour on the computer and was quite tired but I pulled myself up when I heard the familiar chirp of a Skype call, it was Alan "You still haven't told me about your trip" the pixelated youth said over to computer "Sorry" I said "I've been busy" "Anyhow" Alan said, a excited look creeping onto his face "Fine, fine" I said and told him about Minecon, going into great detail about my unexpected meet up with Two Soups. "So you met him then" Alan said "Yeah" I smiled "It was brilliant. The whole trip was" "Whoops gotta go" Alan said and cut the call off. I sighed and leaned back in my chair once again.

"Oh piss off Owen!" I heard when I reached the school and saw Nifer's flaming red hair whisking around the corner and my strawberry blonde haired friend looking seriously displeased "What was that about?" I asked Owen when I neared "You know Jayme Lace?" He said sheepishly "The blonde one from Algebra?" I said, then it donned on me "You didn't" I said and he nodded "It's was an accident!" Owen said crossing his arms defensively "Oh" I said sarcastically "so you were helping her with homework and 'accidentally' snogged her." "Yeah" Owen said scratching his neck awkwardly "Well Nif saw and is extremely miffed" "Miffed!" I said in shock "I think she's a bit more than miffed! I'd say she's pretty pissed off" and I turned on my heels an entered the school, leaving Owen standing alone in the field.

"Nifer?" I said quietly when I met her by her locker "You okay?" "No I'm not bloody okay Lance" he shot back and wiped her eyes "No need to get angry with me" I said defensively "I know I'm sorry" she said and closed her locker "it's just I thought Owen would be above cheating" "I don't think it was cheating" I started "more of a spur-of-the-moment type thing" and she glared at me "Typical!" She said "I knew you'd take his side!" And she ran off down the hall "Nifer!" I called but she kept going, I sighed and slouched to my first class.

I scanned the History class for Alan but couldn't find him "Probably off sick" I mumbled to myself as the teacher stood up and started writing notes on the board, I scribbled them down quickly as the door creaked open to reveal Nifer who looked like she had been crying more, she apologized or being late and the teacher waved her away "Just be here wary next time" he said and continued on with the lesson. Nifer shot a glare past me towards Owen who was a few seats back talking to a guy with dyed dark red hair, I whipped back around and tried to give a apologetic look to Nifer but she had her head down and writing, just like first day, I had no one to talk to.

Since first day I had never sat alone, but there I was looking a pathetic nerd, sitting at a corner table, I could see Owen sitting with that red haired guy from History and I didn't even know where Nifer was 'Probably in the bathroom' I thought gloomily. "Excuse me" I heard and looked up to see a boy with such white hair that he looked 70 "Is anyone sitting here?" He asked, his crystal green eyes darting around the room "Uh no" I said and he sat down. "Are you new" I questioned and he tucked into his lunch "Yep" he said, he seemed to have loosened up a bit "just moved from Inistioge" "Oh so you're Irish?" I said, trying to make conversation "Yeah" he said as he ate his sandwich "MichaelPhinghen" he said through a mouthful of bread and ham "Sorry?" I said, he swallowed with great effort "Michael Finnigan" "Oh nice to meet you Michael" I said "I'm Juni-Lance" I said, embarrassed that I had almost said my screen name "Lance Brindley" "I know" Michael said "That guy told me" and he pointed a forefinger at Owen "Oh" I said "You can call me Mickey" Michael said "I don't like my full name that much" I nodded and my eyes strayed to his unnatural white hair "I look old I know" Micheal said "Oh...I um" he smiled at my stumbling "Doesn't matter. It's just a gene problem, but I like it so what's it matter" "Yeah" I said smiling. I knew Nifer and Owen would make up, and that Alan would most likely be back at school tomorrow, but until then at least I had someone to talk to.

Bet you where guessing that Owen and Nifer would fall out but I bet you didn't think of a new character! Especially one with white hair and from Ireland!

Hope you like it, once more thanks for all the great comments and votes, you guys are awesome!


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