Chapter 31 - FanFiction & Google Chats

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Chapter 31

FanFiction & Google Chats

Tuesday. Still sick. I tried to get my mind off Paul's being in a coma and was surfing the net. I had got caught in, to use one of Duncan's words, a 'Fan-nado' or a tornado of fanfiction. I had spiraled down the Yogscast road and was currently reading some one-shots about everything, I skipped the shipping ones, reading then made me feel weird since I knew the people in it. I scrolled down the list and my cursor hovered over one just long enough for me to see the begining of the synopsis 'My life isn't normal. Why, you ask. Because my name's Brindley, Lance Brindley' "What!" I said outloud, some one had written fanfiction about me! I clicked on the book ad started to read, it was written well and was a story about my life (or what the author thought my life was like) starting at elementary school all the way to senior year at high school. Needless to say it was a long read and by the time it was lunch I had only gotten and third of the way through, I stopped reading and made myself a sandwich. I was just about to bite into it when I noticed I had a request for a Google+ Video Chat, who would want to talk to me? I clicked on it and was quite surprised when I saw the name 'Tony Campbell' pop up and a small message that said: 'I know this I weird and we've only met one but do you fancy a video chat?' I pondered for a moment then accepted the invite, I might as well seeing as I had nothing else to do. I put on y recording headphones and saw the shocked face of Two Soups, ginger hair messy and blue eyes wide "You sick to then huh" I said and it took awhile for him to reply "Yeah I am...I didn't expect you to be" and he pulled at the collar of his 'Nilesy Protetional Strem' shirt "Well I am, it's nice to talk to you again. The last time was Minecon" "Aye" he said and cracked a grin. We had a nice chat for an hour then something he said got me by surprise "I'm moving to Bristol next month" "Really?!" I said "What school?" I saw him tab out to check "Fairfield High School" he said and looked back at me "That-that's where I go" I said grinning stupidly "Really? Well that's brilliant then, you can introduce me to your friends" and he grinned with me "Yeah" I said and the grin slid slowly off my face at the thought.

"Can I ask something?" He said, suddenly serious "Uh sure" I said cautiously "What is it?" "What's up with Sjin?" He asked and I felt my heart stop "Wha-what'd you mean!" I stumbled over my words "Well he hasn't posted much in awhile and there's been nothing on anything else." "Uh he's on holiday" I said quickly making up an excuse "Oh" Tony said he turned his head and I heard a bark through the screen just as the sound of keys jingling on my side "Sorry that's my dog, gotta go" "Bye" I said hastily and closed the chat just as my dad opened the door.

"I'm going to check up on Paul, you wanna come?" My dad asked as he left, his voice muffled by a piece of hastily made toast "Sure" I said and grabbed my jacket before we headed out to the car. "He's not doing very well is he" I said when we started driving "Who?" My dad asked "Paul" and I could feel dad stiffen beside me "No. No he's not Lance" he said and was silent the rest of the way.

He just looked asleep. Paul in the hospital bed just looked asleep. I had been sitting in a chair in the corner of his room for the past half hour whilst dad had talked to doctors and nurses "Im leaving now" I heard him say behind me "Visiting hours end in a hour you want to stay an take the bus home?" I nodded and looked up at him just as he glanced uneasily at the comatosed man in the bed "Right, see you at home" and he left after shutting the door. I peaked out of the little window to see if anyone was looking then sat back down. Mum had told me to talk to him when I went to visit Paul, at first I thought it was stupid "He can't hear me" I had said but once when I had come I had mentioned that Anya had told everyone about the baby and I thought his mouth had flickered into a smile when I said her name so now every time I came I talked to him about the day, the office and anything in general. "People are asking about you" I said from the corner "Dads running out of footage from you computer" I briefly looked up at him and thought his arm twitched but it was probably a trick of the light. I talked to him for a few hours then got tired and slowly fell asleep in the comfy chair I was in.

I woke up to see it was dark outside "Crap" I said, I had overstated my welcome. I took one last glance at Paul before making my way home. I checked my watch and saw that is was 7:00 on the nose so I didn't take the bus, instead I walked all the way home. All the time thinking of Paul, Anya and the unknown baby.

This was a weird chapter to write as I watched Kim's pumpkin carving video and seeing Sjin all happy and classy looking, but I hope you like it. Sorry for the non-updating, I've been busy and have major writers block :(

Thanks for all the support! Feedback is greatly appreciated :)


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