Chapter 37 - Exam Time

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Chapter 37

Exam Time

Exams where speeding closer and teachers where piling homework and pre-tests onto us like it was SipsCo. Premium Quality Dirt. Me and Nifer weren't going out as much and me and my mates hadn't recorded in awhile, I was lagging behind in my Lets Builds and OLA series because of Science. I wanted to get the best I could get on science because I wanted to impress Dad, he had a masters in chemistry and thought science (also Maths) was the most important subject for me to learn, if I didn't get an A or higher I'd be in some deep ca-ca.

I think the worst part of those last few weeks was when I came to Yogtowers one day after school to find Dad standing outside his office and giving me a death glare "What did I do?" I said cautiously "Who's Nifer" he said, more of a command than a question "What'd-you mean? Nif's one of my friends" "Really?" He said and glared at me through his glasses, making me feel like ants where crawling their way up my trousers, he hadn't looked at me like that since I was four and had accidentally set a lamp alight while trying to sneak Jaffa's from the cupboard in our flat. "Well she's my more than a friend if you know what I mean" I said awkwardly "And why didn't you tell us" dad said sternly, I hardly ever saw him like this and it put me off "'s just you and Mum are really protective of me and I thought you wouldn't understand, you might not like it" "I don't mind you dating" he said and the word made me cringe when he said it "it's lying I don't like" I knew what was coming and dreaded it "You're grounded. And I don't want you seeing that girl anymore" he said and gave me a stern look before stepping inside his office and shutting the door a bit louder than he needed to. I grumbled swears at him and shuffled to my office to study.

"Why can't you go out tonight?" Nifer asked me over the phone "My parents found out and are pissed" I replied glumly "What they don't aprove of us?" "They would if I had told them erlier but now they aren't" "Your sure you can't get out? Even just for an hour?" "I geuss I could tell them I going somewhere with the guys" I said glancing at my watch "Yeah I can. Meet me by the football pitch aty school" I saidn and hung up. I causiously opened my bedrom door and peaked out, no one there, I slipped out and grabbed my SipsCo hoddie as I went. Quietly and quickly I headed out theo door of our flat and raced outside, I knew it was agasint the rules but I had to see her. I ran all the way to the pitch and saw Nifer standing in the middle of the field "Nif!" I said and hugged her, she smiled "What do you want to do?" She asked me and I replied sheepishly "I thought we'd just watch the stars. You know "All the lights in sky are stars" " I quoted and she smiled again "Okay" and we lay next to each other on our back and looked up at the stars, hands clasped together.

In science class one again and I had finished my exam and was now having a staring contest with the stuffed rams head that was perched atop a cupboard in the room "Blindley you can go now" the teacher said with a smile and I left to join my friends. "I heard your parents don't want to dating Nif" Alan said to me as we all walked down the road, me, Alan, Owen, Mickey, Tony and Nifer "I don't care what they think" I said confidently and grasped Nifer's hand "Love has no limitations" she said the cheesy saying ad the guys laughed "Only two more exams to go and then summer vacation!" Tony said "Yeah" Owen said whistfuly "What are you doing for the summer Lance?" Mickey asked me "Oh my Dad said me, him, Simon and a couple of other Yogs are going to America for E3" "Cool!" Alan said and we spent to rest of the time talking about video games, our usual pass time.

This is a kind of filler chapter so that I don't leave you lovely people hanging whilst I work on the exciting chapters!

Thanks for all the support! Comment if you want to give feedback :)


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