Chapter 23 - Contemplating Cliques

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This is all in Nifer's POV

Chapter 23

Contemplating Cliques

After school I sat on the bleachers that surrounded the football pitch, thinking 'How could he cheat on me' "...that guy with the long hair...with the bluey green eyes..." I snapped my head around to see a tall girl with bright blonde hair strutting across the field towards me, chatting on her phone "no way!...oh there she is i'll talk to you later" an she hung up "Jennifer isn't it?" She said as she struggled her way up the bleachers towards me "I like Nifer if you don't mind" I responded "I was just talking with a friend about that selfish guy who cheated on you John was it...Eric" "Owen" I corrected her "and why do you care?" "I just think it's terrible" "Yeah well life's life" I muttered but she persisted "Do you have any friends. I mean other that the nerd and his sidekick" I stiffened when she referred to Lance as a nerd "I have a friend at home in Scotland" I said through gritted teeth "Oh that's...nice" she said "you know I have a group of friends who I know would love to meet you" "Really" I said, trying to be nice and not explode at how snotty she was being "Yeah so if you want talk just call me up" and she wrote down her number before putting it into a outside pocket of my bag "I'm Jesse by the way" an she flashed a smile before making her way down the bleachers "Yeah i'll call" I muttered sarcastically before starting on my way home.

"How was school?" My mum asked as I slammed the door "Don't want to talk about it" I mumbled and raced to my room, chucking my bag in a corner and flopping down on my bed. Looking at the chalkboard black ceiling I thought over my conversation with Jesse, she did seem very snotty but also seemed actually concerned about me "Probably just faking" I said to myself and turned over, something caught my eye, a slip of purple paper protruded from a pocket of my bag, Jesse's number. Should I call? I don't know, maybe, I got up and picked up the paper, getting out my phone I just stared at it for a moment before slowly dialing the numbers "Hello?" I said when the phone clicked "Jennifer!" I heard Jesse chirp on the other end "You called after all!" "Yeah" I said sitting back down on my desk chair "I was just thinking...I haven't really hung out with any other girls since I got here and well..." I trailed off "Great!" Jesse said, obviously getting the gist "Me and Amy are going to see a movie on Saturday, want to come?" "Uh sure" I said. Me and Jesse chatted for at least an hour, she still seemed snotty, but less so than when we first talked, we fixed up a time and meeting place for the weekend, and I only got off when my mum called for dinner "I'm glad I called you" I told Jesse "Me to" she said and hug up after a chirpy goodbye, I smiled and went downstairs for dinner. I thought I was going to have some good friends, but little did I know that Jesse was the ringleader of the Fluffy Towels.

There, two chapters in one day! What's gonna happen to everyone!

On a different subject, I got a comment on the last chapter (I'm sorry I can't remember their name) who asked about a earlier mention of Paul being 'off' and distracted, if you where wondering about that I will be going into it in the next chapter and hopefully things'll clear up! :)

Thanks for all the support!


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