Chapter 4

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I wake up to London Grammar's "Nightcall" which is appropriate because apparently, a two hour nap was just enough to rev up my metabolism. It's as if my mind and body are attached to someone else, betraying me and keeping me from the very thing I want the most. To escape from my reality.

Reaching around the bed for my phone, I finally find it, still warm from somehow working it's way under my hip. I have to turn the brightness down before I can focus and switch the music to my Mozart playlist. It's at the top, so it's easy to find. Hopefully, his 18th century music will do the trick and send me back to dream-land. It always worked when Mom played him for me as a kid. Especially when I had a nightmares. Mozart was her single most favorite musician and I eventually came to share her love for his immense talent.

A few minutes go by and I'm cursing my mind to turn the hell off but it's no use. I'm completely awake. I've already decided when I can go to the cemetery and how long I can stay. I'm not even sure if I'm just going for Zack anymore. My curiosity about the guy in the black coat is starting to make my daily trip almost a game. Will he be there today? Will he take one look at me and walk away--like he did the last time? Why is it that he's always there when I walk through the gate at dusk everyday? And, what made him look at me when he's never even acknowledged me before.

I glance down at my phone to check the time and notice I have three texts messages. One from Maddy, a friend I've known since sixth grade, so by default, she's also my longest friend and two from Skylar. He's the guy who wants to date me even though I don't feel the same way about him. Sure, he's hot and tons of girls like him, but I just can't get past the friend stage.

My fingers automatically tap the "messages" icon and Skylar's text come up first.

"Hey, I thought you were coming over today. LOL"

Then, text number two an hour later, "Did your phone die?"

I roll my eyes and tap on the other message from Maddy.

"Skylar's looking for you so why the fuck is he texting me?"


Even though Maddy and I have known each other for what seems like forever, she pretty much hates me. Six months ago her long-time boyfriend made a pass at me and ever since, she's been on the verge of strangling me whenever we make eye contact. Funny thing is, HE made the pass at me, not the other way around. But he got to keep her and I get the bullshit he left behind.

Whatever, I don't need her, either.

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