Chapter 94

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"Yes—yes, of course," Zack says, stopping his pace long enough to look up at Dominic. "Oh, and," Zack looks up, as if remembering something as he clears his throat, "I understand there was some tension between you and Gideon at the Warrior meeting."

Dominic looks directly at me and then back to Zack before answering, "It has been settled," he clips his words, as if sending a message that he doesn't want to discuss it.

"Good, we need to keep our wits about us at all times," he stops and stares up at him, "there's no room for personal ego." Zack finally gets out and I can tell Dominic didn't like that last part, not even a little bit, but he wisely stays quiet. "When will Gideon send the Fighters to start their surveillance on the Bennett House?"

Dominic walks over to the door and pulls up the latch as if silently telling him to go, "Soon, he will inform me the moment they leave."

Zack lets out a slow, deep breath. He must have taken the hint because he looks over to Aunt Kelly who's still sitting in the chair staring at the wall like she's in deep thought, "C'mon, I'll escort you back to your quarters." he says, reaching for her hand, somehow pulling her out of her daze. Zack then glances over to me, "See you in the morning," he says in a low voice, guiding Aunt Kelly toward door. He nods at Dominic and he nods back, still holding on to the latch. "Goodnight, brother." Zack says, offering him his hand like he's suddenly apologizing and Dominic instantly takes it, shaking twice before he lets go. Aunt Kelly looks back at me over her shoulder and smiles, as if just realizing she didn't say goodbye. I wave back, matching her smile but neither hers nor mine are completely reaching our eyes. It's clear we both know how hard tomorrow will be. They fade into the darkness of the hallway as Dominic gently closes the door and looks over to me. The expression on his face is drenched with confusion, or maybe concern, as if he's more troubled about something else other than Zack's slight reprimand.

"What is it?" I ask, reaching out my hand to him.

He steps closer, taking my fingers in his and draws me close. "I cannot lie, I am used to planning strategies with my men," he pauses like he's trying to find the right words, "Although, I know I have to be," he shakes his head and his face lightens up, "I want to be by your side...more." he accentuates the last word in a hushed voice, like he's just had an epiphany.

I'm still staring up into his incredible yellow-brown eyes and slip my hands around his waist, "Wait, are you saying I've finally tamed the constant need for battle out of you?"

He grins slightly and tilts his head as if amused, "I am not completely sure." he leans down and kisses my neck, "I do know that I will always be a Warrior--it is in my blood," he kisses the other side of my neck, "But maybe the only battle I will fight from now on will just be for you?"

I chuckle under my breath, "I'm not sure you can handle it. I'm pretty tough."

"Yeah," he tenderly kisses my lips, "I noticed..."

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