Chapter 63

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My thoughts are instantly shattered when violent, thunderous, pounding erupts at the door. I snap my head toward the beating as Dominic immediately goes into warrior mode, rushing his enormous frame to the door without making a sound. His cloak practically comes to life on it's own, wrapping its way around him as tiny metal spikes begin poking up through the fabric. Another set of deafening strikes hammer from the other side and I have no doubt that someone is trying to beat it down by force.

Dominic glances back at me with caution in his eyes, like he's advising me to stay silent and a second later, he yanks up on the latch, pulling the massive door open and protectively angling himself in front.

"I thought I smelled you in here." Uncle John somehow twists past Dominic, looking straight at me. His eyes are completely black and his voice isn't his. Out of nowhere, he completely bypasses Dominic, leaping over him, as if he suddenly has super powers and lands next to me. I scramble to get to my knees and for a split second I can see the Demon inside of him, contorting his features like an animal. "Now you will die!" he snarls, holding something in his hand as he thrusts back his arm.

Before Dominic can get to me, Uncle John lunges toward my chest but I'm faster and block him with my arm as the blade of a large knife catches the light from a torch on the wall. Instantly, he loses his balance but Dominic wraps his massive arms around his shoulders, stopping him from falling as he effortlessly grabs the hand holding the knife, ripping it off with a sickening tearing sound. Blood splatters everywhere and the beast inside him roars in agony.

Suddenly, the room is flooded with huge, cloaked warriors, surrounding my bed as they lift Uncle John from Dominic's hold while his body thrashes around. Dominic's eyes flash at me as if making sure I'm unharmed then he looks back to the warriors. 

"Keep the Demon inside him. I need the beast to talk." He spits out, picking up the bloody hand and thrusting it angrily at Uncle John. Another warrior reaches out, catching the dripping stump before it hits the wall and they quickly take him away.

Dominic's back is to me, facing the door as it slams shut—his shoulders rapidly rising and falling like he's trying to catch his breath. But it's not breathing he's trying to get under control. It's pure rage. And I can feel it.

The animalistic cries of the Demon echo down the hallway and he turns to me with a warning expression.

"I may have to kill him..."

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