Chapter 102

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Victoria is already holding up my gown the second I close the bathroom door, "Here you are, Majesty," she says with a troubled smile on her face like she's worried for me—and I can't help but like her more for it. I get closer, dropping the white robe and raise my arms as she slips the beautiful, jewel toned fabric over my head.

"It's—it's gorgeous," I whisper as she zips up the back.

"Yes, it is, your Highness," she tilts her head, taking a step back, "and it looks amazing on you."

"I—I may be a little overdressed," I stop in mid-thought because this formal crap is getting weird, "and please, just call me Kate."

"Oh, no, I cannot do that," she guides me to the chair and brushes out my long auburn hair. "It is against the rules."

"Huh?" I say under my breath, "Even if I say it's okay?"

Victoria nods her head, "It is important for everyone to understand their place in the Realm," she answers, reaching for the diamond earrings laying in front of me, "respect, above everything else is what is most important," she pauses like she's thinking of another way to explain it, "a child would not call his or her parents my by their first names, right?" she looks me in the eye and I shake my head, "same basic principle."

"Kate," Dominic's voice suddenly comes from the other side of the bathroom door, "We must go."

Instantly, I jump up and Victoria steps back, giving me more room, "you will be in my thoughts, your Majesty," she says curtseying into a full bow.

"I appreciate it," I say, walking out of the room as Dominic instantly takes my hand. His expression catches me by surprise, "you look stunning," he whispers, kissing the tops of my fingers.

"I feel like I'm going to a formal Ball instead of some kind of stand off with a Demon." I say, as we walk together down the hallway, my arm tucked in his.

"You are our Queen and you will always be dressed appropriate to your status," he says in a low voice, keeping his eyes straight ahead as if he's already on guard, "the chapel is just ahead to the right," he pauses, "we must stay as quiet as possible and allow the Seraph Minister to perform the cleansing ceremony."

I look up and pull at his arm, stopping him from going any further, "cleansing ceremony?" please tell me I'm not going to be dunked into a tub of water."

Dominic grins slightly, "No, nothing like that. You have nothing to worry about," his face becomes more serious, "this will be the easy part," his voice only a whisper as we approach the chapel doors.

Instantly, I notice two breathtaking gold arches with engraved angels surrounding each corner, similar to the Seraph Council doors. I'm still staring when Dominic pushes on one side, allowing me to walk through and I have to pull my eyes away before he follows. Lit, white candles of every shape and size are the only light in the room, giving it an immediate feeling of comfort and peace.

"Hello, your Majesty," a man, wearing a white cloak bows before me. When he stands and looks up, I can't help noticing his gray mustache and beard. It's the first time I've ever seen anyone look over thirty around here. "I am Pastor Ezekiel," he says, his voice so soothing I could listen to it all day, "Please join your brother," my eyes follow his out-stretched hand and I spot Zack, kneeling in front of what looks like a small fountain or maybe a bird feeder.

Without speaking, Dominic and I walk over, lowering to our knees next to him and the Pastor begins talking in some other language, the same language I've heard Dominic speak in.

"Patre cum illis ut faciem daemonis..." he says, sprinkling what feels like water from a white bottle with a gold cross on the front. "Bonitatem et prevalebis victum malis," he touches each one of our heads, "Now drink from the fountain," he cups his hands in the water, bringing it to our mouths, one by one. "Vincere potest nisi rectum...Amen."

"You are ready now," the Pastor finally says, looking down at us, " and may peace be with you..."

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