Chapter 28

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"What do you mean it's over for now?" I demand, staring at my brother who still looks like a completely different person. 

He walks away and stops like he's trying to carefully choose his words then turns back to me. "We need to talk, Katie." 

"Ya think?" I say, knowing my sarcasm is accentuating how frustrated I am.

"But we can't do it here." he pauses, scanning the area as his black cloak makes a swishing sound in my direction. "Come with me." he takes my hand.

Pulling me toward him we walk at a hurried pace. I look up to the sky where I heard all the horrific sounds while underneath the Watchman but the sky is black. Almost too black and the stars actually seem less bright. I stumble on a rock or stick, I can't be sure but Zack catches my fall. It's hard to see where we're going but I can tell it's not toward the woods.  Suddenly, I hear him mumble when a white light engulfs me and I have to close my eyes. It only lasts a second or two but when it's gone, I'm standing next to my car and dizzy as hell. 

What the...

"Get in, I'll drive." he says, opening the driver's side door as I lean against the car, trying to stop my world from spinning. I manage to pull on the handle, opening my side, however awkwardly slipping in, but thankfully the spinning has started to slow down.

"Where are we going?" I ask, turning in my seat to get a better look at him. His hair is a lighter shade of brown and way longer than I remember, and his cloak, while similar to the Watchman's, doesn't look like it's been through a bloody battle.

"Somewhere safe." he answers, driving like a bat out of hell through the cemetery gates. 

Tons of questions are swirling in my head and I have no choice but to let them loose.

"Wait, where's the Watchman? Is someone trying to kill him? Where, I mean how did he disappear  when you put your hand on him?" I rattle off, taking a breath while I watch his face contort like it's painful to hear my questions.

"I never meant to involve you in this." he whispers. 

"Dammit, Zack! What the hell is going on?" I shout.

He whips his face at me and his now blue eyes lock with mine. "I am not the same Zack you think I am!"

"Yeah, I can see that. But I still don't..." I stop and look away because it's weird to see my brother looking so different. "I don't understand. None of this makes sense!" I insist.

"The fire...the one I died in." he pauses. "I was murdered by the same people who killed Mom and Dad. Only our parents didn't come back." 

"Wait, are you saying Mom and Dad were murdered? 

"I'm saying we were all targeted." he slowly turns his face to me. 

"And now, they know about you..."

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