Monsta x- Shownu

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I sat in the kitchen with my head in my hands. I closed my eyes as I tried to let the advil kick in. My head was pounding, my nose was stuffy, my eyes were watery and puffy.

I hate allergies. My whole body was aching and in pain. It seems like everything was out to get me.

- I bumped my hip against the corner of the counter in the kitchen
- Ran into the living room door
- Stub my toe against my dresser
- Fell off the bed when I tried to get Jin-woo. (My son)

The sound of my two year old cried through the baby monitor. I sniffed and whimpered as I lifted my head. I grabbed a tissue and wiped my nose and eyes really quick before heading out the kitchen.

"Minah relax, I got him." My sister said as she got up from the couch.

"Yubin its alright. Hes my son." I cleared my throat.

"Your allergies are getting worst. I can handle Jin-woo. Besides he loves me." She walked up to be and patted my shoulder. I smiled.

"Thank you." I crooked out. My voice sounded all stuffed. I sat down on the couch and sighed. Its been about 3 months since my fiancé left for the KBS World Tv performance thing. They had this event that I'm not even sure about. All I know is that hes gonna be gone for about 4 months. And this month just started.

I sighed and looked at the engagement ring on my left fourth finger. I smiled at the memory. Its burned in my brain and its something I can never forget.

I heard footsteps coming from the hallway. I turn my head and saw my sister with my son. I smiled. "Hey baby." I extended my hand out.

"Umma, Umma." Jin-woo whined leaning off of Yubin and into my arms. I smiled and kissed his cheek hugging him. "Where Appa?" He rubbed his eyes.

I frowned but quickly smiled as he opened his eyes that reminds me of his father. "Hes still working, baby." I sit him on my lap and kissed his temple. He turned around and wrapped his arm around my neck and nuzzled his head there.

"Jin-woo-yah, do you want your milk?" Yubin asked over the couch.

"Ne, Imo-yah (Auntie)." Jin-woo said looking up at her. She smiled and patted his head and walked into the kitchen. My phone buzzed on the counter. I leaned forward and grabbed my phone as my fiancé texted me. I quickly opened it with a smile.

'From Hyunwoo💍:

Hey Jagi<3 I hope your allergies are lightening up. There some medicine in the cabinets for you.

Hows Jin-woo? Tell him I miss him much more. I miss you too babe, dont forget that.

Oh, I wanted to remind you that my performance on KBS World Tv is getting be live in 15 minutes. I hope you'll watch!'

I couldn't help but smile at his text. "Jin-woo, Appa said he misses you." I said showing him the text.

"Where?" He asked in his baby lisp. I giggled knowing he cant read.

"Appa sent it to me. He said he misses you very much." I pointed with my thumb where he sent it. All he did was just nodded.

"I wanna see Appa. Tell him to come home." He looked up at me.

"You and I both." I responded to Hyunwoo's text.

'To Hyunwoo💍:

Jagi thank you for reminding me. It's getting better. Jin-woo misses you just as much as me. He wants you home.'

I sent the text and took a picture of me and Jin-woo and send it to him. Yubin came back and took Jin-woo from my arms and fed him his milk. I turned on the tv after I sent the picture.

He answered back in an instant.

'From Hyunwoo💍:

Dont tease me baby. I miss you both. I love you and tell him I love him too. I'll see you soon okay?' I answered with an okay and turned on the live music channel.

"How are you holding up?" Yubin asked me from her part of the couch. I place a pillow on my lap as I watched the commercials.

"I'm good. Its been tough that he," I looked at Jin-woo in her arms, "misses Shownu every day. I think he misses him more than I do." I chuckled leaning back on the couch. She chuckled.

"I dont know the feeling but he does look like Shownu." She looked down at my son that I love so much. I nodded. "Yeah he does." I replied.

Jin-woo was done drinking his milk and be ran over to me and tired to crawl onto the couch and onto my lap but he failed. I laughed and picked him up.

"Up next one of the baddest boy bands out there and preforming there second comeback on their second mini album they just released. Heres Hero by Monsta X!" The announcer announced.

I gasped and looked at Jin-woo. "Appa's band is playing." I stood up from the couch and walked closer to the tv and turned up the volume. Jin-woo was jumping up and down in my arms as the music played through the speakers. He saw Shownu and he screamed.

"Appa! Appa!" He reached with one hand out and tried to grab him but he cant. He started whining and he frowned and sniffed. I jumped with him but I stopped as soon as he started crying.

"Aw, aniyo, aniyo, (no) dont cry." I hugged him more as he buried his face in my hair. I wiped his cheek and he finally stopper crying and watched the performance. The whole time Jin-woo was dancing to the music in my arms and screamed happily every time he saw Kihyun and Shownu. Kihyun being his favorite uncle and seeing his father just made him happy.


It was around midnight and I slowly woke up with the sound of Jin-woo crying in his crib. Yubin already left around 9 after I put Jin-woo to bed.

I rubbed my eyes and stirred around bed. Before I got up I felt weight on my waist making me stop moving. "Go to sleep babe. I got him." A deep raspy voice whispered in the dark. My eyes widened and I quickly turned around to see a familiar muscular guy getting up from bed shirtless. I quickly moved away from him.

He turned around to look at me and smiled. I couldnt believe my eyes. "We'll talk later. Get some rest." He leaned forward and kissed my forehead then he grabbed his hoodie and slipped it on and walked to the nursery.

I touched my forehead. 'Hes back. He told me next month.' Shownu walked back into the room after a while when I heard no more crying sounds from my son. He fixed his glasses and I quickly jumped out of bed and into his arms.

"I missed you too baby." He whispered in my ear hugging me tighter and lifting me up.

"You told me next month." I pulled away. He planted a kiss on my lips.

"I lied." I didnt care. I hugged him again ams closed my eyes. All I care was that hes here.

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