Exo - Xiumin

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"Eomma! Eomma! Eomma!" Peyton chanted as I heard her footsteps running from the hall towards me. I place the toasted bread on top of the sandwich I made.

"Yes, baby, whats up?" I asked her as I place the small sandwich on a small plate and mine on my medium plate. She huffed out air and tugged in my shirt.

"Wheres Appa? He didn't come in my room this morning." She frowned. I patted her head.

"Appa went to work early today." She frowned and stopped her foot.

"I want to play with Appa." She whined. I took our plates and place it on the dinner table. I helped her on the chair.

"Well you can play with Appa when he get home okay? Appa's music is getting popular now." I said biting my turkey and ham sandwich. I could hear the crunch from the tomatoes and lettuce.

"Appa's music is already big." She giggled eating her peanut butter sandwiches that was cut into triangles.

"I'll tell you what, if you finish your sandwich, brush your teeth, AND," I emphasize the 'and', "clean your toys we might be able to see Appa at work." Her eyes beamed brightly and tried to finish her sandwich.

I didn't want to text Xiumin and bother him at work. He doesn't know that were going to go and see him. I strap my 5 year old in the back seat and made sure everything was secured. I place the lunch bag in the passenger seat. I got in and started the car then drove to the studio Xiumin told me he was heading this morning.

I remember that today their shooting there Monster MV and I'm excited to see that. I pulled into the studio that they were recording. Peyton was happy to go out to places and see her father. I grabbed the bag and held onto her hand as we walked towards the elevator so it could take us to the main floor.

"Here, put this on." I place a vip badge around her neck so they know she wasn't some random child at a recording studio. Not everyone knows who Peyton was but most of them know who I was.

People greeted us as we walked down the hall towards the station they were in. "Eomma," Peyton tugged on my hand. I looked down. "I gotta pee." She said. I smiled and laughed. I asked one of the camera crew there where the restroom was.

I followed the directions and walked into the bathroom, helping her use the toilet. Once she was done, I helped her was her hands. I told her not to move anywhere or leave the bathroom because I needed to use it too.

I was almost done when the intercom spoke up. "Byun Baekhyun, can you please go to station R-14 please. They need you for recording." The announcer sounded annoyed. I bet he wandered off again.

"Uncle Baekie!" I heard Peyton called out and her little feet running out of the bathroom.

"Peyton! No! Stop, come back here!" I called out. I finished my business, washed my hands with water before grabbing the stuff. I ran out the bathroom and looked back and forth.

"Wheres Uncle Baekie?" I heard her voice. I took the right turn to ran past groups of people. I should of known she'll run off. Baekhyun, Chen, and Lay were her favorite uncles.

I read the labels on the big double doors. I wasn't even close to R-14. A loud scream erupt from one of the rooms. "Appa! Eomma!" I dropped my bags and ran towards the room I heard Peyton cry.

"Peyt-oh god." I jumped back as I came face go face with Kai. His monster make up looked realistic. The way his eyes popped and his blond messy hair. It all fit in perfectly.

"Noona? What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Wheres Peyton?" I asked looking past him, trying not to stare at his face. I heard a louder cry from another room. I ran towards that room to see my husband carrying our daughter in his arms rocking her. Baekhyun was trying to talk to her but she screamed everytime he touched her.

If I was her I would cry myself. They yellow contacts, lip ring and chains, and the heavy make up would obviously scare a child.

"Yeobo, what are you both doing here?" Xiumin asked me walking towards me. I rubbed Peyton's back.

"She wanted to come and see you, I didn't think you all would look like...well this." I pointed out. "Baby, Eomma's here." I walked to Xiumin's side to try to look at Peyton's face. She hugged into her father tightly.

"Pey-pey, I'm sorry." Baekhyun tried to apologize. I kissed her forehead but Peyton just stuff her head in Xiumin's neck.

"Go record, it's alright. She'll be fine." I told him. He sighed and walked away. I spotted Chen walking our way, fixing his jacket. He looked normal than the others that I saw so far. "Peyton, hey, baby, Uncle Chen-Chen is here." I spoke up tapping her little arm.

She looked up and I wiped her tears. "Uncle Chen-Chen!" She called out reaching her arm out for him. He smiled and jogged his way to us and picks up Peyton.

I sighed and pushed my hair out of my face. Xiumin hugged me. I smiled and snuggled closer to him. "Babe, are you alright?" He whispered. I nodded. "Good, I know how much of a scaredy-cat you are." He chuckled. I shook my head trying not to think of Kai's face.

I hugged him back. "You look adorable." I stepped back fixing his jacket. He rubbed his nose against mine.

"No, your the adorable one." He said. He uncaged me in his arms and kissed me.

"Stop it already." Chen said. "We have a 5 year old here." Peyton laughed. Xiumin chuckled then hugged me again.

"When we get home, I want another child. Peyton can stay with Chen today." He kissed under my ear making my step back a bit. My whole body felt like it was on fire. I looked away from him.

Geez this Baozi.

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