Got7- Mark

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~Marks POV~

"Babe, can you give me, um," Hye Jeong starts snapping her fingers as she tried to remember what she wants me to give her. "Oh the hot glue gun. Its in my room in my desk second drawers." She asked. I watched as she was creating something for her art project. I smiled at how cute she was and how concentrated she was.

Her dyed light brown hair tied in a messy bun, wearing my sweatshirt with leggings that shaped her legs. "Mark!" She raised her voice. I blinked and looked into her eyes.

"Hm? Sorry what did you ask?" I said running my hand through my hair. She rolled her eyes.

"Get my glue gun in my room. In the second drawer in my desk please." She said once more. I nodded and got up from the couch and walked towards her.

"Can I get a kiss?" I asked leaning closer to her face. Before I can kiss her she place a pen on my lips.

"I'm working Mark. Get my hot glue gun." She pushed me away and turned away continuing on creating whatever she was doing. I frowned and did what she asked. "Oh and when your up there can you get Jin-Young please!"

"Okay." I said and climbed up the stairs and went into her room. I looked for the hot glue gun and found the dark blue one nearly placed in the neat drawers. Her room was just like her drawers. Completely neat.

I walked out and down to Jin-Young's room. I knocked on his door. "What?" He asked as I opened the door.

"Your sister wants you downstairs." I said. He nodded and got off the bed and followed me. I handed Hye Jeong her glue gun and sat behind her on the couch.

"What is it Hye Jeong?" Junior asked as he leaned against the living room door frame.

"I wanted to remind you its your turn to babysit Rubin and Kayla." Minah said looking at my co-leader of our band.

"Really? Thats today?" He groaned.

"Yeah, why?" I watched as she fully face Junior.

"Well Ji-Eun is coming over today and I thought you were gonna watch them." Junior said running his hand through his hair.

"I'm spending the day with Mark. Jin-Young-ah, its your week." She said looking disappointed. "You hung out with her yesterday though!"

"Shes gonna be here any minute. Hye Jeong I'm sorry, I tell Aunty to pay you and I'll watch them next time okay?" Junior said. I heard her sigh.

"Fine, whatever." She packed everything up and headed upstairs with her things. Junior sighed as he watched his little sister, my girlfriend, walk away looking annoyed.

~Hye Jeong's POV~

I place my stuff on my desk and sighed. I sat down on my bed and rested my elbows on my knees and head in my hands. Ji-Eun really? Hes still hanging out with her? Shes just using him and I cant get that through his head. Shes rude and doesnt even care about him or the band.

I groaned and laid back down staring at my ceiling. "Just relax Hye Jeong, I doubt she'll do anything. She just wants attention." I could hear Marks voice in my head. I slowly calmed down just hearing his voice. I got up from bed and fixed my outfit in my door mirror and walked out.

"I didn't know your good with kids." I heard a girls voice from my living room. I quietly stood on the stairs as I peeked into the living room seeing my boyfriend with 2 of my cousins and one girl I really dislike.

"I didn't either. There Juniors and Hye Jeong's cousins." I heard Mark said. "Are you gonna go see him?"

I saw her shook her head. "He said hes gonna come back down." I watched as she got closer to him. Mark leaned away but still carried Kayla in his arms as she giggled and played with his fingers. I smiled at the sight of that. But quickly went to neutral when Ji-Eun leaned her head on Marks shoulder.

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