Exo - Chanyeol

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"Chanyeol stop!" I shouted while laughing as he chased me around my house.

"Come here Y/N! Your gonna pay for what you did!" He shouted at me. I could hear the water droplets hitting the marble floor in the kitchen. He trapped me behind the counter.

"Go away!" I shouted throwing a dish rag at him. He grabbed it and wiped his face and hair. He was all soaked from head to toe. I laughed at his flat wet hair. He glared at me throwing the dish rag at me. He jumped into of the counter, I screamed and ducked crawling on the floor heading out the kitchen.

"Lay! Help me!" I shouted as I ran into the living room as he was standing talking to Chen. I hid behind him and Chen. Chanyeol growled walking into the living room panting.

"Y/N, look at me. I'm all wet." He glared. I tried not to laugh. "Its not funny! Why would you do that!"

"Its Baekhyun's fault!" I shouted pointing at my balcony as I watched him laughing his butt off trying to run away from Kyungsoo who was shouting at him.

"Y/N-ah! I thought you were on my side!" I heard him shout. "You thought of the plan! Now look Kyungsoo-ah is gonna kill me!" I whimpered backing away as Lay and Chen stepped aside. Dang it. Lay and Chen doesn't want to deal with us.

"I love you." I said hoping Chanyeol wouldn't be mad with me. He smiled and walked closer opening his arms.

"If you love me come here." I shook my head turning around to run away but his long legs and tall structure captured me in a hug. I screamed as his wet clothes touched me, making me all wet.

"Get off! Chanyeol!" His hands squeezed my waist making me scream and laugh.

"Alright, I think thats enough shouting and screaming today." Kai said from the couch. Chanyeol stopped tickling me and kissed me instead.

"I'm sorry." I said. He kissed me once more.

"I forgive you." He finally said. "Let go of me. Ow, ow, ow!" I looked over Chanyeol's arm to see Kyungsoo dragging Baekhyun by the ears. I gulped. Luckily I didn't dump a bucket of water on him. Well Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were together so it was me who did pour water too..

"Y/N, Baekhyun, would you like to explain?" Kyungsoo's dry voice said. I coward into Chanyeol's arms. Im small and short. But looking at Kyungsoo, made me want to become the size of an ant.

"I-it's Y/N's fault. She wanted to do that! I-I was following along, I thought it was go-gonna be funny." Baekhyun blabbered on.

"Y/N." Kyungsoo's voice was calm. I squeaked. Chanyeol coozed called me cute and kissed my temple and patted my head. "Whatever. Do not think of doing that again." I nodded quickly getting out of Chanyeol's hug.

"You both can shower. The bathroom is upstairs. Theres one down the hall too." I said.

"Jagi, we dont have clothes." Chanyeol said. I laughed shyly.

"Oh yeah." I bit my lower lip.

"Its fine. I'll get you guys clothes. Lay and I are gonna get food." I nodded. They walked out of the house. I walked towards the stairs.

"Stay here." I said it more of Chanyeol. I ran up to my room and locked the door. I changed my clothes. I tied my hair up just as my phone rang. I walked over to it. I smiled at my childhood friend's name. My heart beat with excitement. I haven't heard from him in a long time.

"Mino-oppa!" I said answering the phone. He chuckled at the end of the line.

"Its funny how I knew you would say that." I smiled. "How are you Y/N-ah?" I sat on my bed.

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