iKON- Bobby

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I parked my car in front of my boyfriends house. I sat in front of the wheel staring at my car logo's symbol on the middle of the wheel. I closed my eyes and inhaled slowly.

'This is it. I need to ask him why he's been avoiding me and acting harsh towards me and others.' I said in my head. I sighed at the thought of breaking up with him but really, what we've been through and how hes been acting and treating me lately needs to a solution.

I opened my eyes and looked at the time. It was 5 in the evening. It was kind of perfect because he invited me to dinner at his house and he planned everything. Just thinking of that made my heart swell up with regret even more.

I got out of the car and rang the door bell and waited for him to open. The sound of the lock unlocking and metal scrapping was heard behind the door.

Jeong face appeared behind the crack of the door. He smiled at me and let me in. I gave him a small smile back and walked in. He pulled me into a hug which was unlikely at the moment. He always did this for the couple months we dated and its been almost a year and he usually didn't do act like this for the past 2 month.

"I missed you baby." He hugged me tighter which hurt my back. I flinched a little but hugged him back. I made a hum noise and then said that I missed him too. I miss the old him. "Come on, I bought us Thai food. Your favorite~" he sang as he pulled me towards the kitchen. I dropped my stuff by the couch in the living room as we walked past.

"Woah.." I said when I saw the sight of candles, flowers, and a cute champagne bottle with ice in the middle of the table. "Its so pretty." I said while smiling. He hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek and chuckled.

I sat down in my seat and he sat down in front of me. Pat Thai, Orange Curry, and some fried kimchi rice was in front of us in large bowls.

"To our perfect dinner." Jeong filled our cups with champagne. I took my cup and tapped it against his and closed my eyes ad I took a swig from it. I sighed from the tingling feeling that went down my throat and made its way into my stomach.

I looked at him and he smiled at me. We started to eat and have small conversation. After a while I decided to bring up why he's been distant.

"Jeong-ah..." I said. I felt my head pound a bit. I grabbed more champagne and drank it. "I wanted to know, why....you've been distant lately.." I said looking at him. He was holding his chopsticks in his hand which he held tightly. "Are you...cheating on me?" He slammed his hand down making me drop my wine glass.

"What?" He asked raising his voice. "Why are you asking? Why would you even think of that?" His harsh tone made my skin crawl.

"I-I'm sorry. I just wanted to know-"

"Wanted to know!? Why are you probing into peoples lives now? Huh!?" He shouted. He stood up from the table making me jump from the loud scrap of his chair.

"Jeong, relax." I said. I moved from my chair to stand up. Why is he acting up?

"You know what, I hate it when you act like this?" He scoffed and clicked his tongue. My vision began to blur a bit. Now that I think of it, he never drank from his cup. My eyes widened. Did he drug me? "You act all innocent and sweet and cute, and its all sick!" He swipe all the plates off the table.

My eyes widened. I yelped and shook from the loud crashing of glass plates and bowls. A sharp pain went up my leg. "Ah." I hissed crouching down to see blood seeping from my lower cafe. One of the plate shards cut me.

He walked over to me and I quickly got up and moved back. "Jeong...stop it. Whats wrong with you?" I squeaked. My leg hurts, my stomach was flipping, my vision wasn't that clear, and most of all, I was terrified. I should of broke up with him.

I saw him grab a butterknife from the edge of the table. "Your my problem. Blaming all your shit on me. Are you sure your not the one cheating on me?" He walked closer and I walked back.

"Jeong, please." I whispered almost trip because of the pain in my leg.

"SHUT UP!" He shouted kicking the chair making me scream again. I turned around and grab my purse from the floor and ran to the door. "Oh no you dont!" He shouted. I slam the desk with the vase down to block his way. I twisted the door knob to leave but it broke off the door.

I cursed and ran upstairs towards the bathroom. I heard his shouts and loud footsteps following me. I know in scary movies you dont run upstairs but I have no other choice. The door broke. Theres no other way but upstairs.

I locked the bathroom door and pushed the laundry basket to block it. My whole body was trembling. I took out my phone from my purse and unlocked it. I dialed 119(the emergency call in Korea) but those number word working. I tapped on it repeatedly and even exit the app but nothing worked.

"OPEN THE DOOR!" He banged making me yelp again and crawled away from the door.

I dont know how to call. I was panicking. My parents aren't in Korea, and my friends are all out. I only hand one person I know that doesn't have a 9 or a 1 on their number.

I punched in the number and dialed it. "Come on pick up. Please." I weeped and begged trying to stay quiet. I sniffed when the voice mail went off.

More tears stream down my face as he didn't pick up after 5 calls. I looked at the time. 10:45. He shouldn't be sleeping.

"Please Bobby pick up." I begged as I called one more time. This time it rang twice and he answered.

"What do you-" I know he was mad at me for ditching him like this but I had no choice.

"Jiwon! Omo Bobby, you have go help me." I cried thanking every thing he picked up.


"I-It's Jeong. He's gone completely crazy. Please hel-AHH!" "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR SUNHEE!" Jeong pound against the door.

"Are you hurt?" He asked in a rush. I could hear other people on the line.

"Kind of. Just a scratch from pieces of glass."

"Damn it. I'm on my way." He hung up. I sighed and hugged my phone tightly. Everything was quiet on the other side of the door. I didn't dare to step out of the tub.

Suddenly, the sound of glass shattering above me made me scream. I covered my head and saw that were was a huge rock that shattered the bathroom window.

I got out of the tub and grabbed my purse. Another rock came slamming in, along with a shout. I move the basket and ran out. I ran downstairs and tried opening the front door but it was broken.

"There you are." I turn my head to see Jeong running towards me from the back door. I screamed, grabbing a lamp and smashed the window. I jump out the window hissing at the sharp pain from glass scraping against my legs and arms. Just in time a car pulled in.

"Sunhee!" Bobby ran out the car. I dropped my purse and ran towards him. Jinhwan and Hanbin followed behind him.

He pulled me into a hug and by now I couldn't stop the tears from falling. I hugged me tightly and rocked me back and forth to calm me down. Being in his arms and presences made me feel safe.

"Give her to me." Jeong's voice was dangerously close. I squeaked and hugged Bobby tighter.

"Enough Jeong. Your not having her again." Hanbin spoke. I heard police sirens approaching us. I looked over my shoulder to Jinhwan and Hanbin standing in front of Bobby and I.

The police came and took Jeong away. I couldn't even look at him as he walked by. I stuff my face in Bobby's chest. "I'm sorry." I said.

"No, why are you apologizing?"

"You told me to break up with him and leave him. Yet, I didn't and look at what happened." Bobby moved me back and cupped my face.

"I'm glad nothing bad happened to you." He suddenly kissed me. I didn't respond to it at first but I kissed him back. He pulled away. "I should of protected you."

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