EXO- Baekhyun

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I sat in my chair in the second to the last row looking at him. He sat a row in front of me and 3 seats to the left. A perfect angle where I can see half of his face. My sketchbook was rested on the table as my hand moved swiftly and lightly as I did the features of his face.

I heard clicks of high heel shoes heading my way. I closed the notebook after setting a random paper to where I left of. I pretended to work on the worksheet the professor gave to us. She looked over at me and I answered the math problem correctly. Once I felt her piercing gaze left and she walked away I relaxed a bit.

"Psst, Kaelynne.." I looked to my right when I saw my best friend Yerin. She looked up at the teacher then me. "Stop doodling and start working. I need number 6."

I cracked a smile and looked at the problem. I worked out the equation and found the solution. "The height is 15, area is 356, perimeter is 47." I whispered.

"Thank you." She gave me a loving smile before writing it down. Soon we packed up and the bell rang. I sighed as I watched him get up from his seat and headed out the door to meet his friends.

I looked at my unfinished portrait. I got the outline if his body over the table working. I got little of his main features but all I have to do is shade in the negative spaces for more depth.

"You need to focus more." Yerin said as we walked out. I hugged the sketchbook tightly to my chest. "Let me see the drawing this time." She extended her hand. I handed her my sketchbook and she flipped to my current page I'm still working on.

"Woah..." She said in awe. We stopped by her class and she gave it back to me. "It looks amazing." I smiled and thanked her. She went to class and I walked down to my study block.

I got a pass so I could go to the art/photo room and work on my sketches and photography. When I turned down to the hall I saw Kyungsoo and Lay talking while walking out of a room. I gasped and looked down at my feet and stayed closer to the wall.

I kept walking and mind my own business. I could see Lay in my parallel vision, and he was watching me. I prayed that he wouldn't say anything. I held my breath and once they turned the corner I relaxed. I thanked the universe that Baekhyun's friends didn't say anything to me. I just wish he can notice me but I'm just an outcast.

I sighed as I walked in. I greeted the teacher and told her if I can take my camera for the block. She agreed and I thanked her and grabbed my camera and different types of lens. I walked out and headed towards the court yard. I walked past the music room when I head voices laughing. Then I heard someone talking about singing.

I didn't want to ease drop but then I heard they mention Baekhyun's name. I peeked into the room and saw Baekhyun and 2 of his friends. One if his friends, Chanyeol, was playing the piano and Baekhyun started to sing.

I believe he started singing My Answer. I read the paper on the piano. I found myself holding my camera up and taking a picture if him smiling, leaning over the piano with his other friend.

I smiled and walked out to the court yard. I opened the image on my laptop and started sketching the photo. After I finished the outline and his features, I brought back the camera. When I walked out, I almost ran into someone.

"Oops, sorry." My heart stopped at that voice. I blinked and looked up. He looked at me and smiled.

"No! No, its alright." I shouted and cursed myself. His eyes widened a bit from my out burst. "I mean-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout." I blabbered. Suho chuckled beside him.

I laughed nervously and backed away. "Aren't you in my science class? Do we have homework?" He recognized me.

"Um, yes. Yeah, I'm in your science class. Also history class, and lunches...on both..days." I trailed off as I listed the class I have with him. He gave me another weird look. "And um, yeah we have homework. Its research stuff about chemical bonds." I spotted Yerin at the end of the hall. "I have to go." I stuttered that sentence and excused myself and left.

Yerin was about to say something but I pulled her away. The final bell rang and we left school. We hung out over my house to finish our homework and talk about the day. And I mean theres alot to talk about.

*Next Morning*

It was third block and I just finished AP Hangul and how I'm heading to lunch. I sighed and walked down the stairs that had less people. I don't understand why people only crowd up or down 1 stair way. Theres 4 stair ways in this school that leads to the same place.

"Oh look who it is." I looked over my shoulder to see if this person was talking to me. It was one of those popular girls around school. Yue Hee. She had 2 friends beside her as she followed me down the stairs. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

Then 3 other girls blocked my way. I stopped for a second and swerved around them but one grabbed my arm and pushed to the wall. "Yue Hee-yah is talking to you." One said.

"What do you want?" I asked looking at her.

"Why are you stalking Baekhyun-oppa?" Oh yeah, she likes him too. Well everyone around school does, because of how nice he is and how he looks, everyone adores him.

"I'm not-" she slapped me. I gasped at the stinging pain across my cheek and head it.

"Lies. Whats this?" She snatched my sketch book out of my hands. I reach for it but another girl slammed me against the wall hurting my back. I winced.

"Give it b-back." I stuttered. She flipped through all my sketched until she stopped at the first sketch of Baekhyun.

"Your drawing him now? Your so creepy." She flipped through more. I struggled to get out but another girl pulled my hair back making my head hit the wall.

She started ripping most if my sketches. "ST-"

"Shut her up." They pulled my hair, slapped my face, punched my stomach and kicked me. I laid against the floor curled into a ball. I groaned and felt tears trickled down the corner of my eyes.

Pages from my sketchbook fallen next to my face. She dropped it against the floor with my last sketch. "Your pathetic. Stop following him. He doesn't like you. I'm doing him a favor." She and her posses walked away.

I sat up and leaned against the wall. My stomach and back hurts whenever I moved. "Kaelynne?" I stopped sniffing at the sound if his voice. I cursed to myself. He ran to my side. "Omo, are you alright?" He lifted my chin and examined my face. I looked into his eyes as they flickered around my face. They were warm dark brown that held concern.

"I'm okay." I winced as my lungs expand to breathe.

He frowned and looked down. He saw the sketches. He picked one up and looked at it. He chortled. He looked at me. My heart fluttered. "You drew this?" I nodded slightly looking away. Chanyeol was looking at each drawing I made. "It looks realistic and amazing."

I blushed. "I'm sorry." I muttered. He made me face him again.

"Don't be. Its pretty cool actually. I like it." I smiled a little. My ribs throbbed. I think it was noticeable cause I found myself in Baekhyun's arms.

"Chanyeol, get her backpack and gather the papers. I'm taking her to the infirmary." I looked at the side of his face as he turn to Chanyeol. His Adams Apple moved up and down. He looked down at me. My heart leaped to my throat.

"Are you okay?" I couldn't find words so I nodded. He smiled at me then walked to the infirmary.

Is this really happening?

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